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Here's the last part! This is the longest fic I've written and it just seemed to come to a natural end. Thank you you lovely readers for encouraging me with your lovely comments throughout this story xx

She lay snuggled up to him as they looked through old photos. "I love that photograph, I'm going to frame it," he smiled and she rolled her eyes,

"That day, I remember feeling so happy that I got to come back from work to you, our daughter... And that bloody dog,"

Connie smiled, "oh I loved Betty," she admitted, "and Soph was so tiny there,"

"Can you believe she's 24 now? And Grace 21?"

Jacob kissed her forehead, "I can't believe we're nearly sixty Con..."

"I don't feel it," she admitted,

"You don't look it either,"

She ran her hand over the stubble on his face, "you're finally going grey," she teased and he rolled his eyes,

"We can't all be timeless like you woman."

"Oh, I love this picture too," she smiled, "print this one... You look so happy here,"

"Of course I look happy, I've got my favourite people in my arms," he smiled. In the photograph Connie was asleep on his chest, Sophie curled up next to him, with Grace fast asleep in Connie's arms.

"These photographs are making me wish we could retrieve time," she admitted, as she cuddled into him. He squeezed her shoulder, "I know how you feel."

"I told you girls, I didn't want a fuss for my birthday," Connie smiled as she rolled her eyes when her daughters told her she needed to change,

"You're going to be 60 mum," Grace told her, "and besides a posh restaurant isn't too much of a fuss,"

Connie rolled her eyes, "fine I'll get changed,"

She stood in front of the mirror and sighed, "damn getting old," she uttered,

"Oh please, you look far from sixty and you know it Mrs. Masters," Jacob smiled as he appeared dressed in a suit and shirt,

"You're a knock out in that dress sweet cheeks,"

"Mum, you look so beautiful," Sophie smiled, hugging her gently. Connie wore a long sleeved navy dress that finished above her knees with dark tights. Her hair was clipped up to the side and her make up was light, her eyelashes dark.

She noticed how Jacob winked at the girls, "what's going on?" She asked and Jacob took her hand, "shut up and wait and see." He told her causing the girls to laugh.

"Hannah," Connie gasped as they entered the small restaurant that was filled of her family and friends,

"Oh," she uttered, as she noticed all the children her and Jacob had fostered over the years.

Hannah hugged Connie, "we couldn't miss our favourite foster mum turning 60 could we?"

"You girls," Connie smiled, watching as Jacob stepped onto the small stage and took the microphone,

"What's your dad playing at?" Connie smiled as Sophie and Grace appeared beside her,

"He still thinks the world of you mum," Sophie smiled, "I don't know any other parents that love each other the way you two do,"

"Before everyone has too many glasses of wine, I just want to say thank you for coming... I can see on Connie's face how happy she is that you're all here... Even if we did have to persuade her to attend and dress for the occasion... So if we could all raise a toast to my beautiful wife, Connie Masters, I promised I'd marry you someday, and over twenty years later here we are. I love you, everything about you, and I want you to know that we are all here because we think you are truly incredible. Happy birthday to the love of my life, my favourite person in the world and the best mother I could ever want for our beautiful children..."

As cheers went up Connie smiled, kissing her daughters gently before she found herself in the strong arms of her husband,

"Here's to growing old disgracefully," he smiled as he kissed her gently,

"I love you Jacob," she told him kindly, "thank you."

He kissed her forehead, "no thank you, you've given me the best life I could ever have imagined."

They watched as their daughters danced with Robyn and Alicia, surrounded by more and more people joining them. "We've done a good job with our girls," she smiled, "even if I do say so myself,"

He handed her a glass of wine and took the opportunity to kiss her mouth,

"That we have,"

"I can't believe that a reality tv show bought us together like this," she smiled and he laughed,

"That was a long time ago," he smiled, "although that said, I will never forget what it felt like meeting you."

She placed her hands either side of his face, "I'm so happy I get to grow old with you," she told him gently,

"And I you... Happy birthday my amazing wife... Here's to many more birthdays together."

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