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He was hot. It was nothing to do with the soaring temperatures outside, and everything to do with the doctor who stood in a tight leather skirt and flimsy short sleeved blouse. The skirt was tight around her waist, and seemed to hug her backside like a second skin.

"How often do you and Connie have sex?" Cal asked as he followed Jacobs eyes,

"Most days," he admitted, "sometimes twice,"

"Even after over ten years together? How old is she now?"

Jacob rolled his eyes, "shes 50 this year," Jacob smiled,

"She doesn't look it," Cal nodded, patting Jacobs arm, "you're a hell of a lucky man,"

"Glad I get the hot doctor," a middle aged man nodded at Jacob,

"She's married," Jacob told him firmly,

"What I'd give for a woman like that wrapped around me,"

Connie raised an eyebrow and walked over to Jacob, "my office when you're free," she smiled, tying up her hair and waving a leaflet to fan herself, "lock the door when you come in."

The lights in her office were off, a small lamp on the table the only light there was. He locked the door and smiled as she stood before him, her hands undressing herself, until she leaned back against the desk wearing only her underwear and heels.

"Mrs. Masters you are a delight," he spoke quietly,

"You've been watching me all day," she told him as he undid his shirt and trousers, before standing in front of her,

"Because you're fucking gorgeous," he growled, "that skirt makes your arse look insane,"

"Come closer," she smiled, "I want you to fuck me hard over this desk..." He shivered as her lips touched his ear gently, "I want to feel you inside me, I want you to press me against that desk and fuck me hard,"

Leaned forward and removed her underwear, his mouth covering her bare chest, a smirk on his face as she groaned, "stop teasing," she smiled as his hands ran teasingly between her thighs,

"No foreplay," she told him, her eyes dark with desire,

He opened her legs and entered her quickly, her back arching as she wrapped her legs around him,

"Keep your heels on," he groaned, moving within her as she rotated her hips. He lifted her, pushing her against the wall, wincing in pleasure as she bit his shoulder as he lifted her up and down,

"You're so sexy," he growled and she moaned as he moved her more quickly now. He placed her down and moved her so she lay over her desk. He entered her from behind, his hands finding her clit as she arched back against him,

"Fuck," she uttered as his movements sped up again, his chest pressed hard against her back as he kissed her neck. She shuddered against him but he continued with his fast pace, pulling her down to the floor and covering his mouth with his,

"Oh Jacob," she gasped, "Jesus,"

"Want me to stop?" He asked as he watched her face contort with pleasure,

"God no," she uttered, crying out as he came inside of her, causing her to orgasm all over again.

She slipped her feet from her heels as he lifted her and pulled her into his chest as they cuddled closely on the sofa,

"That was amazing," he gasped, "I've been wanting you like that all day."

"I don't have a meeting for another hour," she gasped, leaning so she straddled him,

"And I'm off shift," he smiled,

"You know what that means?" She smirked, sinking down onto him,

"I get to fuck your for an hour," he smiled and she groaned as they made love all over again. 

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