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Jacob came downstairs early a few weeks later, smiling as he saw Hannah cuddled into Connie. He moved Connie's hair, and kissed her neck, "coffee babe?" He asked and she nodded, "please,"

"She alright?"

"She's still dreaming of the crash," she admitted, "the girls still asleep?"

He nodded, watching how Rosie curled up beside Connie,

"What happened to no dogs on the sofa,"

"Only this sofa," she smiled, "and she's so gentle,"

He shook his head, "I'll make coffee, want a bacon sandwich?"

"Please," she smiled and he smiled as she took his t-shirt and kissed him, "I love you mr masters,"

"And I you darling," he smiled.

"Mum... It's dads birthday next week... What are we getting him?" Sophie asked,

"Well, I thought he's always wanted to go to New York..." Connie smiled,

"We can make it into a guessing game for him," Grace smiled,

"Where will we stay?"

"Where do you want to stay?"

"With Michael?" They both smiled and Connie nodded, "I'll ask him,"

"Remember to tell school about the day off for centre parcs... You too Han,"

"I can come too?"

"Of course sweetheart," Connie smiled,

"Yes," Grace whooped and Connie shook Her head fondly at her youngest daughters excitement.

"Is someone going to adopt her mum?" Sophie asked as she watched Connie making a risotto.

"Maybe sweetheart,"

Connie stood next to her daughter and wrapped her arm around her shoulder,

"Your dad warned me about this," she admitted, "getting attached to someone who stays longer than a few days but..."

Sophie nodded, "she feels like family, it's going to be hard to say goodbye,"

"Have I made a mistake Soph?" Connie asked and her daughter shook her head,

"No... This is a good thing you're doing,"

Connie pressed her lips gently against Sophie's hair.

"Happy birthday dad," Sophie and Grace grinned as they entered the kitchen followed by Hannah,

"Happy birthday Jacob,"

"Thanks girls," he smiled,

"Happy birthday my wonderful husband," Connie smiled as she handed them all hot drinks.

Connie smiled as the girls handed them cards,

He raised an eyebrow as after many clues Connie called Rosie in with an envelope in her collar,

"Sit," Connie smiled and Rosie sat in front of Jacob,

"Happy birthday to my favourite man in the world," she smiled as she handed him the envelope,

"That puppy training worked Soph," Jacob laughed, before opening the envelope.


"Happy 50th Mr. Masters," she smiled,

"This is too much," he smiled, "you have to be kidding?"

"You deserve this," she smiled, "I can't wait for our next adventure."

"We're going for a picnic, go and get ready," Sophie smiled,

"Want to take the bikes? We could cycle there?"

"What about Rosie? And I can't cycle," Hannah smiled,

"We can take the car... I'll take Rosie and Hannah," Connie decided, "let's go and get dressed."

He sat on the bed and watched as she pulled up her jeans and pulled on a thin jumper.

"What's the matter?" He asked and she slipped onto his lap,

"Just something Soph said about liking having Hannah around, it's going to hurt when she leaves isn't it?"

Jacob nodded, his hands running through her hair, "yes, she fits in here doesn't she,"

Connie pressed her lips against his forehead, "she does... Right lets get ready birthday boy, I have a treat for you this evening."

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