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He came in late from work a few nights before his scheduled operation.

Connie had fallen asleep on top of the sheets wearing only his shirt and he smiled, taking out his phone and taking a photograph of her. As was now usual when he wasn't there, Betty lay sleeping in the floor beside the bed. He wasn't against the dog sleeping there, he had to admit he liked how she's taken to protecting Connie.

She was exhausted, he knew that. She was up most nights feeding Sophie, and she never complained.

He slipped into the shower, his thoughts jumped, before a smile spread across his face as she felt slender arms around him.

"Hi sweet cheeks," he smiled, his hands slipping down her back and resting on her bottom as he squeezed it gently,

She didn't say anything and instead pressed her lips against his own over and over again. She kissed his top, then bottom lip separately before her tongue slipped into his mouth as he groaned.

He turned her around, his mouth against her neck as he slipped his fingers down her toned stomach and between her legs.

Her back arched, pushing her closer to him as his thumb flicked across her already throbbing clit,

"Come for me baby," he uttered as he nipped her ear lobe as she cried out his name.

He didn't give her chance to recover from her release, pushing inside of her firmly, pressing her back across the wall of the shower.

He lifted her and she cried out his name, making him orgasm much quicker than he would have liked.

They hardly slept that night, they hardly uttered a word, but he moved within her more often than he ever had before and she couldn't get enough of him.

She lay exhausted on his chest, her eyes closing as he brushed her matted hair from her forehead,

"I don't think I'll be able to walk for a week," she uttered as he ran his hands across her skin,

"I don't think I've ever had that much sex in one night before," he laughed and felt his heart rate increase as she laughed along with him,

"Connie..." He begun, rolling so he rested on one elbow, his free hand cupping her face. Her eyes filled with tears almost immediately and she shook her head, "please don't..."

"I need to tell you why I love you... Not just because I have cancer, but because you need to hear it..."

She nodded, "I might cry..."

"That's okay sweet cheeks," he smiled, "there's nothing wrong with that."

"My favourite thing to do is watch you rock Sophie to sleep," he smiled, his lips brushing gently against her forehead, "I love watching you cuddle her as you look across the fields outside of her room... You are the best mother I would ever want for our daughter and coming home to see her asleep in your arms whilst you wear one of my shirts makes my heart swell..."

He ran his hand across her collarbone, "I love the noises you make as we have sex and the way you cuddle into me at night or when I come back from work... I've never found a woman more beautiful than you."

She linked her hand with his and he smiled, "I love your smile, and your eyes... And the look on your face when you're happy... I love you more than anyone I've ever known,"

He smiled, "I think I loved you the day you came home upset from work when we were on wife swap... I remember cuddling you into my chest and never wanting to let you go... I remember thinking that you signified all that was right in the world, and I still feel like that now when I look at you."

They got up together as they heard Sophie's quiet cries. Connie sat onto his lap as she fed their daughter as Jacob pressed his lips against her forehead.

She stood up as his phone rang and she placed Sophie down as she heard him agreeing to something on the phone.

"There's a free theatre slot..." He told her, kissing Sophie's head, "it's tomorrow."

"You call work... I'll call Michael,"

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