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"I don't really get it," Grace shrugged, "children stay with us and then they find a home and then they go?"

"I like the idea," Sophie smiled, "we can meet friends... If we don't like them they can go again,"

Jacob smiled as Rosie whined at Connie's feet, her tail wagging as Jacob picked her up and placed her on Connie's lap. He moved her hair around her shoulder and kissed her neck gently, "attachment issues like the last dog," he smirked and she watched as Rosie fell asleep contentedly, "shut up masters."

"Twins?" Sophie smiled,

"And their 9?" Gracie smiled, "cool..."

"Their only here for a couple of night girls until their aunt comes back from Australia..."

Connie lay facing Jacob that night. His hand trailed gently up and down her back, her arm slipping under his,

"Don't stress babe," he told her gently, "their only here for a couple of nights and if we struggle we just don't do it again,"

She nodded, "I just feel anxious," she admitted, "I want to do this, but I don't want our girls to feel unloved or left out..."

"That won't happen sweetcheeks," he told her firmly, "try and get some sleep."

She cuddled closer to him, pressing her lips against his. He smiled and kissed her again,

"I love you," she spoke against his neck and his hand didn't stop moving up and down her smooth skin,

"I love you too sweetheart."

Jacob smiled as he came home to see Connie wearing tight jeans and a thin jumper. He watched her teaching the four girls how to make cupcakes and he smiled as he noticed how neatly Rosie sat in the corner as she watched them.

"Ellie... Jade... This is Jacob," she smiled, watching how the girls smiled politely and Jacob welcomed them,

"Hi dad," his two daughters replied at once and Connie smiled,

"We were planning on going out for pizza tonight... Unless there was somewhere you'd prefer?" She asked him and he took off his coat and hung it over the chair,

"Pizza is always good with me."

Jacob slipped onto the sofa beside her that night. The girls had begged for a sleepover is Sophie's room before Ellie and jade were picked up by their family the next day. Connie lay her head against his chest as he kissed her forehead,

"Seeing as the girls are in the furthest took away from us, I don't suppose you fancy an early night?" He asked and she ran her hand gently up and down his stomach, beneath his shirt,

She took his hand and placed it over her breasts, before she pressed her lips against his own,

He pulled her so she straddled him, his lips seeking her own as she ran her hands over him, feeling him harden beneath her. She pressed herself against him, grinding her hips against his abdomen, enjoying the way he groaned in her ear,

"I need a shower," she whispered into his ear and she gasped as his hand slipped down her tights and ran firmly between her legs. He lifted her, carrying her up the stairs, not stopping until he reached their bedroom.

He lifted her dress over her head, moving her so she looked in the mirror.

His hands slipped into her tights and pulled them down, his hands slipping either side of her waist as he looked at her.

"New underwear?" He asked and she smiled,

"Might be,"

"Come on Mrs Masters, I know your underwear and this is new,"

She laughed, before unclipping her bra and watching the unhidden desire that sparkled in his eyes,

"My beautiful wife, you are still ever so incredible,"

She gasped as his cold hands slid across her breasts, his fingers pressed against each nipple as she couldn't help but arch her back against him,

He turned her around, pulling down her knickers before reaching to lock their door.

He guided her to sit on the chair, his finger tips running in between her legs, before his tongue made her gasp,

He hooked her legs around his shoulders and she ran her thumb across his cheek firmly.

As she shuddered around him, he lifted her, carrying her to the bathroom and removing his clothes. She stood under the water, and he shook his head, "you're an absolute goddess," he smiled as she tipped her head back and let the water run over her and down her back,

She raised an eyebrow, "I'm a bit old to be a goddess,"

"Not in my eyes sweetcheeks," he smirked and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing her lips to his,

"Fuck me Jacob masters," she whispered into his ear,

"You have to be quiet,"

She raised an eyebrow at him again, "yeah... And so do you... You're almost as vocal as me,"

"Of course I am... My wife is smoking hot," he winked.

He entered her firmly, his hands pressed against her breasts, his lips nipping against the skin of her neck.

"Oh Jacob," she gasped against his ear,

"Come for me baby," he spoke quietly,

There need for quiet turned her on, as it always did, he moved faster now and she shuddered. Her body reacted to him like it always did, her skin flushed, her eyes meeting his as she smiled at him. "You are so incredible Mrs. Masters,"

"As are you my wonderful husband," she smiled. He lay on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of joggers, watching her as she spread lotion over her skin.

She cuddled into the bed beside him, the wind whistling through the slightly open window. His hand moved gently through her hair and she smiled as he pressed a series of kisses against her skin.

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