Mr and Mrs

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A knock on the door made her roll her eyes and she stood up, slipping on her bridal dressing gown over her new underwear.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a happy smile on her face as she leaned into him. He placed his hands either side of her face, "I wanted to see you before we met at the church, I can't stop thinking about you,"

She smiled, kissing him softly, "I love you, but I need to get ready,"

He handed her a small box, "me and the girls got you something,"

She opened it and smiled, in the box was a small gold bracelet with five charms, each with the initial of their names,

"You even got me a B for Betty," she smiled and he couldn't help but laugh,

"Of course I did... You love that dog more than you do me,"

She laughed, holding out her hand so he could clip it onto her wrist,

"Not quite as much as I love you," she told him,

"I can't wait to marry you..." He a smiled, opening her gown and kissing her chest gently, "you're so beautiful,"

"In two hours I'll be Mrs. Masters," she smiled, "third time lucky,"

He nodded, "I love you, I'll see you soon."

She stood in front of the mirror and exhaled, this was the third time she was due to get married, the third man she was going to promise to love forever. Her fingertips ran over the bracelet on her wrist. This time felt different, this time she knew this love was forever.

He stood nervously at the altar. He shuffled anxiously and Michael smiled, "that woman loves you... She'll be here,"

"What if she realises she can do better than me Michael?"

"Not going to happen," he nodded confidently.

"Here she comes," Michael smiled and Jacob couldn't help but smile as Connie winked at him as she walked down the aisle.

She looked nothing less than incredible, her dress fitted her like a second skin and her hair and make up were done to perfection.

She took his hand as she reached him and he smiled as he felt his eyes prickle with tears,

"You look better than anyone I've ever dreamed about," he admitted and she squeezed his hand,

"You look so handsome," she smiled, kissing his hand gently before she stood next to him.

"The first time I met you I knew I'd never be able to forget you," she told him honestly, "you're tall and handsome and kind and the most passionate, fun man I've ever met." She smiled at him, "I couldn't want a better father for our daughters, and I couldn't think of a better man to spend the rest of my life with," she paused, before her eyes met his, "no one has ever loved me like you do... And I've never felt love run so deeply as my love for you... I love you Jacob Masters, I love everything about you... The thought of waking up to you every morning makes me feel the happiest I've ever been... I can't wait to become your wife... I will love you forever,"

He felt the tears spring to his eyes, "I must have done something exceptionally good in a past life to be here like this with you," he smiled, "you are so beautiful, you're funny and kind and the only woman who can look that good wearing scrubs and up to your elbows in blood... I love how you stand in the world, I love nothing more than watching you with our girls... Betty included," he squeezed her hand, "I didn't think love like this existed, and then I met you... I promise I'll spend the rest of my life making you happy." He wiped his face gently, "when I was recovering from cancer, you showed me more human kindness and compassion than I thought possible from one person and I will never forget that... Connie, I believe that this is the day my life begins," he smiled, "I love you forever,"

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