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"Jacob," she spoke quietly, causing him to tuck her hair behind her ear gently,

"Hmmm?" He asked, captivated by her and how gently she snuggled closer to him,

"I think I want to leave Sam,"

He nodded,

"Not just because of you... But because I feel like I can't live like this with him for much longer,"

"You sure that's what you want?"

She nodded, "yes,"

He cuddled her too him, "I want to leave Bex... I want to be the person you come home too,"

She kissed his cheek gently, "you don't have to just..."

He shook his head, "I don't want you single for any length of time," he smirked, "I don't want to give anyone else the chance of snapping you up."

He stood with his back pressed against the wall, his heart was in his mouth and he could feel tears pricking at his eyes. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, he thought to himself. Not when he had finally told himself that this was it, that he was going to be happy.

"You need to talk to Jacob," Michael told Connie as she sat at her desk writing notes, "he's gone to the roof,"

"He's been avoiding me for the past three days," she admitted,

Michael sat beside her, "I'm going to tell you something before you go storming up there," he told her,

"Oh god..." She uttered and he shook his head, "he's okay," he nodded,

"Tell me," she spoke quietly,

"Bex is pregnant,"he told her quietly, watching as she placed her hands on her lap and sighed, "I'm going to have to give him up," she uttered, "damn it,"

She stood up and he took her hand, "I'm sorry Con... I'm here if you need a friend,"

She kissed his cheek, "I'll call you tomorrow."

She walked over to where he stood and wrapped her arms firmly around his waist.

"Connie," he uttered and she saw how his eyes were full of tears,

"Hey," she smiled, running her fingertips across his cheeks as the tears rolled down his face. "Oh, Jacob," she uttered, cuddling into him as he held her tightly.

"You should be happy," she smiled, "you're going to be an incredible father,"

"I told her I wanted to leave and she said if I did she'd disappear and I'd never meet my baby," he told her and she knew what was coming next,

She tiptoed up and pressed her lips gently to his, "let's spend a weekend together," she smiled, "we can pretend for a few days that this is real and forever, then I'll let you go back to her and we can act like this never happened,"

He ran his hands under her top and undid her trousers, his fingers tips running across her lacy underwear, "I don't want another man to have you like this..." He undid her blouse and placed it out of the wind. "I don't want another man to see you like this,"

"You're a good man," she told him gently, "you're going to be a great dad,"

"I don't want to lose you Connie,"

She shook her head, "I'll still be here... We can work at friends...and maybe one day this can be for real."

"I want this to be for real," he told her, his wandering hands and lips making her gasp before she came to her senses,

"I will not do this out here," she told him, pushing him away as he rolled his eyes at her sudden strop, 

"Let me come home with you tonight..." He asked and she nodded, "come on, let's get out of here."

He handed her her top and she smiled, "you may need this." 

They walked down the stairs slowly, thoughts spiriling through their minds. One thing was for certain though, this wasn't how it was supposed to go. 

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