Sex and goodbyes

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He nodded, watching as she picked up the menu and ordered a burger making him laugh.


He shook his head, "it just makes you more attractive that you've chosen a burger for dinner."

"Sam always tells me to watch what I'm eating... He's convinced one day I'm going to be fat."

He shook his head, "I doubt that the way you run,"

She laughed, "it's ridiculous, everytime he says something it makes me want to eat even more."

They fell into bed that night a tangle of limbs. She pushed him down into the bed, pulling off his underwear and running her fingertips up and down his length,

"You're eager," she uttered and he ran his hands over his face, "your lips are playing havoc, of course I am," he uttered.

She didn't take her eyes off him as she took him slowly into her mouth. This was the first time he's done this and his hips bucked against her mouth,

She moved up and down firmly, her hands cupping him as she took him completely into her mouth. She hummed gently as she sped up and he grasped her shoulders, "I'm going to..."

"Good," she smiled her eyes shining as he released inside of her. She moved over him as he breathed heavily, drinking the wine that sat on the bedside table. She cuddled into his chest and he ran his hands up and down her back, "you tired sweetcheeks?"

She kissed his lips gently, "sorry, I can..."

He shook his head, "go to sleep,I can barely move,"

She laughed quietly and he kissed her mouth gently, "you drive me insane."

"I know the feeling."

He woke first the following morning and noticed how she lay so close to him. Managing to move without waking her, he pressed his lips between her legs, circling a finger around her clit before slipping it inside of her. She groaned in her sleep, arching her back as she woke and felt his mouth against her skin.

"Oh," she gasped, opening her eyes and placing her hand on his head as he sucked on her wet skin gently,

"Jacob," she cried as she wrapped her arms around him, "inside me now," she uttered and she hooked her legs around his waist as he drove himself deeply into her.

"Jacob," she gasped as she orgasmed, her hips shuddering as he too released inside of her.

"It's been a long time since anyone woke me up like that," she smiled and he laughed, lifting her and carrying her into the shower with him.

He watched her as she styled her dark hair. "We could get room service for breakfast and eat on the balcony," he offered and she nodded, taking her menu from him, before reaching up to kiss him.

"I'll have eggs benedict and a latte," she smiled and he nodded,

They sat at the table outside as breakfast was served to them. She found that he couldn't keep his eyes off her and she couldn't help but like his affection. When she'd finished eating he took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. She curled into him, her legs on the chair beside them as he finished the rest of his food.

"We better head downstairs," she admitted and he nodded slowly.

"I'm not going to be able to focus with your wearing that dress," he told her as they entered the lift,

"I chose this over trousers because I thought they were less appealing," she smiled and he pressed his lips to her shoulder, "I don't think you and less appealing fit in the same sentence."

"Michael Spence," she smiled, accepting his embrace as he hugged her firmly, before he shook Jacobs hand,

"I'm speaking on acute management of burns," he smiled,

"I've heard your work shops were a hit yesterday,"

"Just the one today on cardiothoracic advances," she smiled,

"Mr. Masters, I have a position in the private patient unit at Holby if you're interested... Band 7 nurse manager... Small, dedicated team... I think you'd like it," he handed Jacob his business card and smiled,

"Fancy a drink after this?" He asked and Connie nodded,

"Jacob, you're welcome too," he nodded and Connie smiled.

"He looks at you like he's seen you naked, and you look at him like you're enjoying it," he spoke quietly as they got a coffee part way through.

"So I've stayed with him for a few nights, I trust you won't open your big American mouth,"

Michael laughed, "if he treats you well I won't complain,"

"He does," she spoke quietly, "better than Sam ever has..."

He took her elbow, "you told me not to settle, you know after divorcing Michael... I was so scared I'd end up alone I didn't listen,"

Michael took her hands gently, "that man thinks the world of you, I could have told you that after the drug man incident in your ED,"

"I'm scared Michael,"

"Of what sweetheart?"

She shrugged, "that he doesn't feel the same as me... That this is just lust. I don't think I could bear it if this just fizzled out,"

Michael squeezed her hands, "give him a chance..."

He winked, "who'd have thought it, the mighty Connie Beauchamp falling for a nurse,"

"Shut up," she laughed, and he kissed her cheek, "let him show you how much he can offer you."

"Don't be sad babe," he told her gently as he placed her suitcase in the car the following afternoon. She stepped into his arms and he held her tightly, kissing her head gently.

Michael Spence watched how gently Jacob held her and waved, "see you tomorrow Connie,"

She nodded before cuddling closer to Jacob,

"We will see each other again soon," he told her quietly and she nodded. "I'll not only miss the sex, but I'll miss being with you," she told him and he kissed her mouth.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him gently over and over, "call me if you need me," he told her, "anytime of the day or night, call me."

"I've had a really great few days,"

"Sex and medicine," he laughed, "what a great combination,"

"I'll miss you," she admitted and he nodded,

"And I you sweetheart."

She hugged him before pulling away getting into the car. She could feel tears rolling down her cheeks and brushed them away quickly. 

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