Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Blake stumbled up the stairs the next morning, rubbing his eyes as he walked slowly up to his father's floor. The building still smelled slightly musty since it had been closed down for twenty five years. He was only half surprised his father hadn't kept a maid sweeping the place up during their absence.

He shook his head as he watched his father sit down on his assistant's desk, slowly trying to lead the girl on as he watched her closely. The girl rolled her eyes, but held a small smile on her face as she let him take her hand and kiss it slowly. This, made him sick. Who in their right mind would hit on their assistant? Let alone start up something with them. It seemed as though something like that would end more messily than it had started. But Clarity's parents...

He stopped. More than that, he needed to forget about her. She simply enraged him. All she ever did was the exact opposite of what he had predicted she would do. It was almost like he didn't know a thing about her. Even though his father had enlisted him to study the girl for years prior to their first meeting days ago, when meeting her, she had seemed like an all new person. She was simply incredible on paper as it was.

Valedictorian in her high school class of 2009, him coming in third in his own class of 2008. She got accepted instantly to Stanford for business, while he himself, headed off to some random community college and began working instantly for Greenberg Enterprises. He didn't even have a chance to work out what he could possibly do with his life. At least she had a choice.

And now, she had graduated early from Stanford's class of 2015, then granted Davenport Industries, which has been running strong for over twenty five years. His enterprise was just getting started again in the US. He couldn't stand how good she was compared to him. She had it so easy. Then her brother was practically her best friend. He didn't even have any siblings. That he knew of anyways.

Marcus Greenberg had been traveling in search of some lost love that he had met while in the business, Danielle Parker. He ended up in South Carolina where a young teenager, knocked up might he add, begged him to take her current child. Marcus, feeling slightly bad for her, but also knowing it would work out his way in the end, took the boy with him. He later found out the girl had died of aids before she had the second baby. But even Blake couldn't remember if she had had another baby before himself. It was quite the possibility with her being sixteen when she had Blake originally.

Marcus took Blake under his wing, changing his last name to Greenberg to keep the family name going, while at the same time, moving the two to Japan where Marcus' father Douglas had resided. Blake had barely gotten the chance to know Douglas before he gave up on the family company and moved to the Bahamas when Blake was only ten. Marcus then threw himself into his work, feeling that getting the company back in it's home country was what his father would have wanted. He had Blake finish up online middle school in Japan before moving them back to the US.

Blake entered high school and finished up at the top three of his class, then ready to help his father with the enterprise. From there, his whole life had been a blur. What with them finally getting back on their feet, and restarting the building down the street from the Davenport's once again. The last two years had been spent trying to relearn the competition's way. Marcus, already knowing Chase and Bree Davenport, along with Adam Richardson, took the liberty of brushing up on their time since he had last seen them. He laid the task of figuring out Amanda, Andrew and Clarity's stories to Blake himself, only for him to like what he saw from Clarity.

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