Epilogue {Part 1}

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Epilogue {Part 1}


Two years later

"Blake?" Clarity called as she emerged from the bathroom. She could see Blake simply sitting on the couch, paperwork sprawled out in front of him. Since joining Davenport Industries, Blake had been one of their most valuable assets. Clarity couldn't have asked for more once her father had passed down the torch of CEO to her.

"Yeah?" Blake asked before tossing his pen over and onto the coffee table. The two now shared Clarity's apartment up town. They hadn't needed much room, anyhow. It was only the two of them, and Blake no longer needed to live with Marcus. This, seeing as Marcus had not only tossed Blake aside, but Greenberg Enterprises was truly gone for good now.

"How's the paperwork coming?" She teased, a smile spread across her face as she picked up a few of the packets off the couch. She set them aside on the coffee table before taking a seat next to Blake. He let his arm hang around her shoulders, her presence making him feel more at ease. It had felt as though he had been doing work since the second the two had returned home at five o' clock. Now, it was nearly nine at night. Clarity had given up about an hour ago, but Blake was still hard at work.

"You know how paperwork goes." Blake chuckled. The room was dark, though they had the blinds pulled back. The moon was full and out in the sky, that being their only light in the apartment. Clarity pulled back for only a second as she reached over to turn on the lamp sitting on their side table. The extra light allowed for the two to finally see one another.

"You getting tired?" Clarity asked. Blake could feel the girl tense at his side. He could tell something was off from the second she had exited the bathroom. Their conversations always came so easily, but this one, this one seemed forced. It seemed as though she was trying to avoid something.

"I don't know." Blake spoke quickly. He pulled his arm back from around Clarity, turning his body around so he could get a good look at her. His girlfriend of nearly a two years looked sick, weak, almost as though she needed to return to the restroom. "Are you okay?" Blake asked, the concern evident in his voice. After all the two had been through together, and with how forthright Clarity usually was, Blake was even further worried as to why she could be hiding something from him.

Clarity shook her head. Blake had a way of pulling information out of her without even trying. She hated hiding anything from him. "No." She whispered. The girl looked panicked, but there was a small smile breaking on her lips. Blake had never seen her quite like this before.

"Then what it is? We can take you to the hospital right now if you're not feeling well. I've got your parents and Andy on speed dial-"

"Blake." Clarity interrupted, his rambling bringing an actual smile to her face. The sickness she had been feeling before had since passed, leaving her simply ecstatic. "I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital." Clarity reassured as she took Blake's hand.

He nodded, still not buying what Clarity was trying to pull over him. "Then what's going on?" Blake tried once again.

"I just..." Clarity left off, her free hand flying up to clutch the heart necklace that still hung around her neck. Blake had given to her over two years ago at the Fredrickson ball, and yet, she never took it off. "I have something to tell you." She finally said, the girl warily looking up to meet Blake's gaze.

He nodded slowly, his own free hand flying down to his pocket. Did she know? "Okay. You go first then." Blake said. He could feel his chest tightening with his words. He had been nervous beyond belief the last few weeks. Trying to plan the right moment to ask. But what other time could he possibly pop the question? Right here, the two alone and completely in love, Blake couldn't possibly thing of a better time.

"I'm pregnant." Clarity breathed, feeling as though one weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Blake's eyes went wide with the realization. He hadn't planned on that news being broken to him before he proposed. He had even asked for her father's permission, just to make sure the marriage would go over well with her family.

"That's amazing Clar." Blake sighed before throwing his arms around his girlfriend.

"You sure?" She laughed, pulling back only a little to get a better look at the man. He looked shocked, to say the least. But he also looked worried. "I mean, I can take care of the baby if that's now what you're into-"

"No, Clarity that's not it." Blake laughed as he let his hand rest nervously in his lap. "I've wanted kids since the moment we got together. I knew once I found the person I was supposed to be with, that I would want a family. This is amazing." Blake replied.

"Then what?"

Blake's chest was tighter than it had ever been before. He could barely breath as he kept his gaze with Clarity. Without a word, Blake fell to one knee, and pulled the ring box out of his pocket.

He watched as the surprise spread across Clarity's face. It was soon replaced by the look of sheer happiness when Blake popped open the box. "Clarity," he started, "I honestly can't even put into words how much I love you. From the second we met, I knew there was something different between us, something inexplainable. Now, I know exactly what was different. I met my sole mate that day the I was thrown out of that lobby." Clarity let out a quick giggle as her left hand inched forward little by little. "It may sound cliché, but I cannot picture my life without you. And now, it looks like I can't picture my life without you, and whatever little one we've created together." Blake kidded as he pulled the ring out of the box.

"Can I just say yes?" Clarity urged, the tears welling in her eyes. Blake nodded, rolling his eyes at the girl as he did. This, this was the Clarity he knew and loved.

"You're pretty pushy." Blake laughed. "But will you marry me, Clarity?" Blake asked, more in a formality than of anything else.

Clarity nodded vigorously, pushing her hand out towards the man before he slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit. Clarity could feel a single tear falling as she took a closer look at the ring. "This was your grandmother's." Clarity sighed. The sapphire diamond stood out amongst everything else about the ring. But the silver band was just a beautiful. She couldn't have asked for more.

Blake had since gotten closer to his father, learning everything there was to know about his biological family. This ring, was one of the most important family heirlooms that had been passed down to him, and he wanted Clarity to have it. "Anything for my rival." Blake laughed before getting a swift slap in the arm from Clarity.

"Shut up." She laughed, falling back onto the couch before Blake jumped back up to sit next to her. The two fell into a silence, Blake's arms wrapped tightly around the girl, and Clarity's head rested gently on his chest.

"Now we have to name a kid something more creative than Clarity." Blake finally spoke, earning a laugh from his fiancé.

"We'll think of something."


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