Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Andy." Clarity whispered as she wrapped her arms around her brother's shoulders from behind. He laughed happily before spinning around and taking her into his arms as well. He had missed his older sister.

The two had barely seen each other since she had started college. Which was weird considering they had both been at Stanford for a short period of time.

"You," He started as he let his hands clasp around her shoulders tightly, "should have called me sooner. I have way too much to tell you." Andy began. Clarity rolled her eyes and set her hand bag down on the bar before taking a seat on the next stool over from her brother's. Andy slid back into his seat, calling the waiter over within seconds and ordering two drinks. Clarity's smile grew wide as she noticed someone walking through the door.

Clarity jumped up, slapping her brother on the back for his attention as she raced over to greet her best friend.

"Hey!" Andrew called before he noticed who was standing at the door. He laughed to himself before taking in a shot of the beer he was just handed. He knew how much Clarity loved Murphy. It sucked that he had for some reason joined the Navy and was stationed over seas half the time. But for now, he was on leave.

"Murphy!" Clarity squealed before running into his arms. He laughed and picked her up by her waist, spinning the two around and setting her down quickly after. Clarity laughed and grabbed onto her best friend's hand, bringing him over to her brother. The three had been close since they were in high school. Murphy had however been closer with Clarity, if he had to pick a sibling. But Clarity had always been just as close with her brother.

"Hey man." Andrew greeted as he stood up and shook Murphy's hand. Murphy laughed and sat down on Clarity's right side.

"So, I heard you dropped out of Stanford?" Murphy started with a sly smile. Clarity bit her lip to keep from laughing at her best friend. Murphy had never been subtle. Andy set down the beer in his hand slowly, trying to come up with some sort of comeback. Clarity rolled her eyes.

"Face it, Andy. You've been checking in at the art school down the street for the past few weeks. We've caught you." Clarity teased as she poked her brother in the shoulder. Andrew sighed as he let his head fall to rest against the bar. Murphy stifled a laugh with the palm of his hand before a swift hit from Clarity shut him up.

"Facebook is a bitch when you use it incorrectly." Murphy said as he watched Andrew closely.

"Fine. Maybe I dropped out of Stanford and enrolled in art school over the summer. That's why I didn't want to meet up with you, mom, and dad earlier. Dad's completely set on me taking over the company when I'm done with school, but that is the last thing I could ever want. The business world is way too shifty." Andrew explained as he took a swig of the beer the bartender handed him. "Plus, I hated school." Clarity smiled happily.

"Well I guess I'm shifty then." She replied, a leading tone to her voice that brought her brother's attention back to her.

"What?" Murphy inquired. He had barely seen anything of his best friend since high school had ended. He felt even more confused now that he ever had with her before. The two hadn't exactly been texting lately either. Clarity did have a history of muddling people's minds, though. Murphy could almost never keep up.

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