Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


"So, what's it going to be? We stay, or we all go?" Bree proposed once again. The two grew quiet, Bree watching her daughter closely as she pondered the question. Clarity sucked in a deep breath as she prepared to speak.

"We..." She left off, not knowing exactly what she wanted. On one hand, she felt as though she couldn't let down Zander. If she simply left, vacationing somewhere without telling him, that would break him. Especially when it was their engagement dinner. But, if she didn't leave, she would be giving him hope. She would leave him believing that she did in fact, love him. All when, she didn't. She was in love wth Blake.

Clarity nodded to herself, making the final deduction within her mind. "We leave?" She tossed out, her eyebrows raising along with the tone of her voice. Bree held back a laugh at her daughter's words.

"We leave then." Bree smiled, rubbing her hand over Clarity's back before pulling her phone out. "I will head downstairs to tell your father, and I'll call Andrew, too. It'll just be the four of us, okay?" Bree relayed reassuringly.

"If grandma and grandpa want to come too, or even if the Richardson's want to come, they can." Clarity nodded with a wary smile on her face, this time, getting a full laugh from her mother.

"They are all downstairs." Bree agreed, pulling her daughter into a quick hug. "Are you okay to call Zander?" She whispered. Clarity swallowed hard, knowing she would never be anywhere near ready to tell him that. Even if she did simply play it off as though she was just canceling the dinner, Zander would know there was something more to her words. He would know she wasn't completely happy. That she had said yes as a precautionary. He was her safety in that sense.

"I'll have to be." Clarity whispered back, feeling her mother pull away from her.

"We can head down to the beach?" Bree suggested, watching a smile grow on her daughter's face. "Okay then. The beach it is. You call Zander, head over to your place and pack a bag. We can all meet at your father and I's house at eight-ish." Clarity nodded once more, waving to her mother as she watched her walk off towards the private elevator. Bree was gone within seconds, leaving Clarity to her own thoughts.

Bree sucked in a deep breath as she hit the ground floor button on the elevator, leaning back against the wall as she thought over exactly what she needed to say to her husband. Chase would be furious if he knew Clarity was leaving Zander because of her feelings for Blake. Bree herself had barely been able to contain him the last time this had been brought up. After all that Marcus had done to the two in the past, she couldn't blame Chase for feeling that way. But she could try and explain to him that their daughter was in the same situation as they had been back then. Clarity was confused, in love, and in trouble.

Bree smiled as the doors opened, revealing the almost empty lobby. There, sitting on one of the many couches, was her husband and father in law. Walking through the doors, was none other than Tasha Davenport as well.

"Bree." She smiled as she scurried over, tossing her arms around her daughter in law as she did. "Where's Clarity? I thought we were all leaving for the dinner together?" Tasha asked in confusion, pulling away as Donald and Chase joined the two. Chase reached over for his wife's hand, giving her a look that elaborated all Bree needed to know. Each of them were confused, that much was obvious.

"I need to talk to Chase." Bree smiled as she pulled her husband off to the side. Donald and Tasha nodded, taking it upon themselves to give the two a little more privacy. The older couple sectioned off towards the couches, while Bree and Chase themselves stood near the elevator.

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