Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Clarity tapped her foot lightly against the floor of Blake's car, her head leaning against her hand as she let her eyes gaze at the road passing by. She still couldn't believe she had agreed to something like this. Her father would kill her if he found out.
It was the only option though, given the circumstances. Then again, there was the obvious other option of simply going back upstairs and working. But then Blake would have won. She couldn't have that.

She shook her head as she glanced about the car, feeling stuck as the car continued to roll along the pavement. She pushed out a long breathe as she did, knowing she shouldn't have gotten herself into this mess.

"Are you at a loss for air?" Blake asked teasingly as he drove. A small grin took over his face as he switched gears, the restaurant coming into view. "I could always open a window for you to stick your head out." Clarity rolled her eyes and sat up straight as they reached a red light.

"No." She hissed. How rude. "How far away is this place? Or are you driving me out to the desert to drop me off?" She shot back snidely. Blake reached out and pointed to the restaurant at her side. He watched as Clarity suddenly plastered a fake grin on her face, something was up. "Great." She mumbled before falling back into her seat.

Blake frowned as he watched her movements. "Something wrong?" He asked as the light turned green. He swung the wheel to the right, pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant. Clarity shook her head, reaching down and playing with her pink bag awkwardly.

"Nope." She chirped as she kept her eyes glued on her bag. Blake felt his face scrunch up before he pulled into a parking place, stopping the car right afterwards. He watched as Clarity rushed to take off her seatbelt, almost racing out of the car before Blake caught her.

"Whoa." He called as he lurched forward and caught her arm. Clarity looked back, a glare on her face as he kept his hand attached to her. "Where do you think you're going?" Clarity's eyebrows rose in suspicion as she motioned back to the restaurant.

"Inside. We are eating lunch, aren't we?" She snipped back. Blake shook his head before gaining a sly grin.

"No, I thought I'd rather make out with you in the parking lot of a restaurant. Why would we eat lunch?" He replied sarcastically. Clarity huffed out a breathe, aggravated with her competition.

"Could you stop being difficult for one second?" She asked, her voice coming out more forceful than before. Blake dropped his hand from her arm, holding up both his hands in defense.

"I will." He agreed, "Right after you tell me what's wrong." Blake bargained. Clarity shook her head.

"I told you, nothing's wrong. Let's go eat." She rushed before trying to leave once more, only to be stopped by Blake locking the car doors. She pulled at the latch before groaning and falling back into her seat. She couldn't even unlock the door.

"Is it me?" He asked teasingly. "I'm quite the horrible dresser and smelly to boot." Clarity broke a small smile at that. Even though she hated him with all her might, he was funny.

"No, it's not you." She sighed as she let her hands rest on her thighs.

"Then what?" Blake asked softly before reaching out and grabbing onto one of her hands, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand lovingly. He felt strangely close with her for some reason. Like they had known each other their whole lives. Even though they had been separately up until a few days ago. Clarity sighed before sitting up, allowing Blake to continue his calm hand holding.

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