Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


She sighed as she clicked the backspace bar on the keyboard sitting on top of her desk. She had to admit, nothing was right, and this report she had due by the end of the day, wasn't helping. She bit hard into her tongue as she tried to pull her mind away from Zander, no, away from her fiancé, and back to the report she needed to complete. She knew what she should be doing, and that would be proving her worth. That she did belong here at Davenport Industries, and that she deserved to take over the company in some time. She had made a lot of progress here within the last few months, and she wasn't going to let a single piece of jewelry ruin it. She wasn't going to ruin everything over some guy, that had happened to ask her hand in marriage.

Zander hadn't surprised her. Andrew had warned her in just enough time. Though, she had almost expected him to propose later on. Sometime other than the moment than when the Greenberg's had beaten out the Davenport's in the charity event. It almost seemed shallow of him to go on with his plans after that had occurred. Any normal person would have felt the need to console their loved one, push back an engagement, even. But Zander pressed on, and he got what he wanted in the process.

Clarity felt bad, horrid, even disgusted with herself. She had said yes to marrying a man that she wasn't in love with. It wasn't that she didn't feel that she could never fall in love with Zander, it's just that she wasn't yet. Blake Greenberg had taken her heart with him to Japan. On top of everything else that was happening, Zander had asked her to stay with him at his apartment over the next month. Something about trying to live together before the wedding. As if there weren't enough surprises in their relationship, Zander had smartly chosen to eliminate a few in the process.

She pressed her lips together into a thin line as she glanced about her office. Nothing here seemed right, either. Every little piece about the room reminded her of Blake. The day that she and her brother had gone to pick out the furniture, Blake had been there. Even simple things, like the pen she was holding. She had taken that from Blake the night of their first date. She had made so many wrong decisions this last year, she couldn't even count. But it seemed as though the majority led back to Blake Greenberg himself.

Ever since she had come in contact with the elusive man, her life had been turned upside down. Emotional wise. Her professional life had never been better. She was the CEO in training no less. That kind of position doesn't just jump out at you. Though she was wrecked inside, by looking at the tabloids, her personal life was still on the rise. Zander had been a great cover in that sense. But deep down, she held the memory of herself and Blake. She couldn't regret any decision further than the second she had let him go. Or the obvious other option being interacting with her rival in the first place. She wouldn't even be in this mess, otherwise.

"Clarity?" Adam started as he slowly pushed open the door, knocking gently as he did. A smile grew about Clarity's face as she rose from her office chair, breathing out in relief as Adam walked in and shut the door behind him. "I don't know about you, but I'm not getting much work done." He laughed, getting a small giggle from his best friend's daughter. He could feel that there was something off about Clarity, especially since the ball. He hadn't been there to witness the proposal himself, but Clarity had been different since.

"I've been rewriting this report for the last two hours and I swear..." Clarity left off, watching as a small smirk grew on Adam's face. There had always been a great quality about her adoptive uncle. He had a sort of aura about him that instantly put her at ease. Made her feel at home.

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