Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


Andrew could feel his palms growing sweaty as he stood, frozen in his place with absolutely no idea where to go from here.

On the off chance that Clarity's side-boy was actually telling the truth, what could Andy actually do to stop his father from signing those merger papers? It wasn't like Andy himself was involved in the family business anymore. Other than being their interior designer from time to time. Plus, he could have sworn that he had talked to Zander about those papers himself. What had changed since the last time Andy had spoken to Zander? It couldn't have been that much.

Andy shook his head, ignoring his better judgement as he strolled over towards the elevators. It couldn't hurt to check things out for himself. He extended his left arm out just enough to press the elevator button that would take him to the top floor. He let his right foot tap down against the smooth tile repeatedly as he waited for the elevator. But something was still bothering him. If Blake was really telling the truth, why hadn't Clarity persevered and continued to call Andy? He was her brother no less, and last he had checked his phone, she hadn't called more than the one time. Everyone was making this thing sound so important.

"Is that Anderson Cooper?" A voice called from the front entrance of the lobby. "I thought he was busy today?" Andy could feel a large smile taking its place on his face as he spun around to look at the friend he wasn't sure if he'd ever see again.

"Is that Eddie Murphy? I thought he was dead?" Andy played along as Clarity's best friend made his way towards him.

The man nodded happily as he held out his arms to the youngest Davenport. "I'll take that one as a compliment." Murphy announced before practically squeezing the life out of Andy. Andy laughed before he slapped Murphy on the back, signally for the Navy sailor to release him from his hold. "Sorry man." Murphy apologized as he let his arms fall from Andy. "Don't know my own-"

"Strength. Got it." Andy nodded before the elevator ding brought him back to his original mission. "I actually have to go stop my dad from doing something. But can we meet up for dinner later? I definitely need to know why you disappeared for almost three months. With no word, I might add. Even Clarity was confused." Andy teased before hopping into the elevator. Murphy chuckled quickly as he stood just outside of the elevator, waiting for the doors to close.

"It's pretty simple, actually. I got married, and we adopted a baby girl from Zimbabwe." Murphy smiled as he watched Andrew's mouth drop open. "Oh, and I'm out of the Navy by the way. Once you have kids they don't really want you. Or at least, they don't want me anymore." Murphy waved his hand towards Andy. The doors slid closed, leaving either one of the men alone as the elevator began to rise.

Andy could feel his stomach flip as the elevator came to a sharp stop all of a sudden. His eyes went wide before his body was thrown against the back wall of the elevator. Andrew slid back down against the ground just as the sound of a cable snapping sounded above him. He knew what that meant.

"Andy!" Murphy cried as another slam coming from the doors of the elevator slapped the cart back. Andy could feel himself laughing as a second pound of his friend's fist hit against the doors. "Anderson Cooper! Are! You! Dead!" Murphy yelled, his voice booming through the doors. Andy rolled his eyes.

"Murphy!" He called. "I'm fine! Just get me out of here!" Andy knew then and there that he had no chance of getting to the top floor, and he had left his phone in his car after what had happened with Clarity.

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