Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


She ran. That's all she could do in the moment. Even if she called a taxi, what good would it do? Traffic at this hour was horrid. She would never be able to get to the offices in time. It was at least a fifteen minute drive from this part of town. She was stuck. Stuck just outside of Zander's elite little apartment.

How had she let this happen? Of all the people in the world that she could have used to bounce back from Blake, it had to be Zander. Zander Kennedy, the one guy that had agreed to team up with Marcus Greenberg to take down her family's industry. At least the experience has taught her something... Never to trust a cute British business man in a nice suit.

But even though she had finally figured out Zander, she still needed to figure out how to stop her father from signing those papers.

She could call someone? Clarity knew she had the power to do just that. But who? Who would be able to get down to the industry and up to her father's office in time to stop this from happening? She already knew her father wouldn't be answering if she called, and she knew well and good that her mother would be right at his side. The two practically abandoned their cell phones during work hours, and and it took forever to get ahold of the top floor.

She knew who she needed to call, but she didn't want to do it.

Clarity pulled her phone up out of her purse as she slung her overnight bag over her shoulder. She scrolled until his name popped up into view. He probably wouldn't even answer. She hadn't been the nicest to him the last time they'd spoken. "Common Andy." She whispered, her high heels slapping against the pavement as she walked. It was no use running in a time like this, either. But her heels were getting harder and harder to walk in.

"What?!" He hissed into the phone, his voice thick with anger. The last time they'd spoken was right before she had left for Japan. That was over three days ago.

"I need your help, and it's serious this time, Andy. The industry is in trouble." Clarity rushed through her words. Her heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Yeah right." Andrew scoffed before hanging up the phone. Clarity's face scrunched up as she held back the urge to throw her phone into the sidewalk.

"God damnit Andy!" She yelled, allowing a grunt to escape her lips there after. "No wonder dad hired me over you." She mocked quietly as she continued walking. Her brother was practically her last hope. He was the only blood relative she could et ahold of at a time like this. Adam and her uncle Leo would certainly not answer either for fear of getting some sort of suspension, and it wasn't like her father was about to let Blake Greenberg into the building. "Wait." She whispered, the girl bringing her phone back up into sight with her words.

Her father wouldn't allow it, but her mother would.

Clarity pressed her fingers down against the numbers she had practically memorized over the last few months. Blake had to be somewhere near the industry by this time. To get to his and Marcus' house, you had to drive right past either one of the buildings. Clarity pressed the call button and waited impatiently for his loving voice to ring into her ears.

"Miss me already?" He mused into the phone. She couldn't practically hear the smirk most likely covering his face in the tone of voice. He could be quite smug, but she never said that wasn't one of his best qualities.

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