Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"Blake." Marcus started as he opened the office door abruptly, strolling inside before he placed his hands down on the desk. He looked like your average, everyday, CEO in this moment. But Blake knew otherwise. He knew his father's tricks. "Where's that sales report, my boy?" He continued on as he stood up straight and crossed his arms over his chest.

Blake frowned as he lifted his right hand from the keyboard of his laptop, tilting the screen down just a bit to get a better look at his father. "What sales report?" Blake asked, half in astonishment, half in amusement. His father had never once asked him to make up a report. Especially one for the sales division of the enterprise. "I'm not even in sales."

"But you're my VP, aren't you?" Marcus shot back quickly, a sly smirk on his face as he tilted back and forth on his feet. "Vice President's do things like, sales reports, for the Presidents." Blake shook his head.

"But you're the Chief Executive Officer. I'm the Chief Officer." Blake corrected the titles as he rose from his chair, swiftly shutting his laptop. "There's literally no such thing as a president, or vice-"

"Well then we need one." Marcus interrupted stubbornly before getting another odd look from Blake. "One of each, I mean. And what we also need is for you to finish that sales report."

"What sales report!" Blake boomed through the office, causing his father to reach behind himself to shut the door. "Father." Blake sighed, trying to calm himself. "You never once, asked me to make up a sales report. The only thing you've had me do since we moved back into the California building, or otherwise, was watching the Davenport's." Blake finished. Marcus nodded slowly, his right hand reaching up to rub his chin as he thought over what Blake had said.

"Then I'm taking you off that duty." Marcus affirmed as he kept his gaze held on the floor.

"What!" Blake asked in surprise, his tone catching his father's attention. "I mean, I just thought we needed to keep tabs on them. I thought you needed someone close to you, that you could trust, to make sure nothing goes wrong with our plan." Blake covered quickly before buttoning up the middle button on his blazer nervously. Marcus shook his head, dropping his hands to his sides and then into his pants pockets.

"Frankly, Blake." Marcus said. "I feel you've grown far too attached to this particular job. It's prohibiting you from doing anything else."

"Like what?" Blake scoffed.

"Like learn how to run the company for instance." Marcus snipped, leaning in for extra emphasis. "You are going to be the CEO of this enterprise one day. You can't just run from that responsibility." Marcus took in a deep breathe as he watched Blake. "You will also, be dropping the duty of stalking the Davenport's. They, will now, and forever, only be your rivals. Unless I tell you otherwise, understand?" Marcus asked, almost rhetorically. Blake allowed his head to lower just a bit as he shook his head yes. Marcus plastered a smile on his face before he neared his way to the door of Blake's office.

Marcus made absolutely no sense. Not once had he ever specified that Blake write up a sales report. Let alone, Marcus had never told him to begin his training for CEO status. That was supposedly something that would have been held back until the company had surpassed Davenport Industries. Blake had wasted so much of his time, knowing, living, and breathing Davenport history. All because his 'father' had asked him to. How could Blake even reference to Marcus as his father?

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