Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


How he did it, Blake would never know. But the passwords that Douglas had given him, actually worked. Within seconds, Marcus' computer was lit up with every answer that Blake needed to know, not only as to how to shut down that deal, but as to where Zander had suddenly shown up from.

The real Zander Kennedy was still enrolled in business school in Europe. Amanda Richardson's cousin hadn't been seen in public in almost ten years, which, explained why Amanda didn't recognize it wasn't her cousin right away. The Zander that Clarity had been involved with however, had been hired. Mathew Todd was an accountant from the upper portion of California, and he was evidently buried in debt. Apparently, the Kennedy's had chosen not to use their own son in their sick, twisted plan. Rather, they decided to hire Mathew and give him the life that he had always wanted to live, while at the same time, using his debt to bankrupt Clarity and her family.

The document itself screamed that it was Marcus' plan. Blake would be able to recognize Marcus' illegible handwriting from anywhere. Along with that stood the signatures of both Marcus, and Zander's parents. But the best part, was the termination clause.

Under any circumstances in which Clarity Davenport terminates the engagement between herself and Zander Kennedy before legal proceedings have taken place, the merger between Kennedy and Greenberg is null and void.

Blake honestly couldn't believe his eyes. Everything was right here in the paperwork. The Kennedy's were smarter than Blake had assumed they had been. They knew that if Clarity ever did break up with Zander, it would ruin whatever plan the two companies had to take down Davenport Industry's. The best part was, Clarity had actually ended the relationship, meaning their plan had already undid itself. Though Blake wasn't so sure Mathew knew about this clause.

Blake rolled his eyes at how stupid Marcus could be. He would sign anything under the pretenses that Davenport Industries would finally be taken out.

But before Blake could call off his search, one document caught his eye. Blake quickly clicked into the document, his eyes scanning over the thing as quickly as he could. It was then that he knew just how little he actually meant to the man who had adopted him so long ago.

Marcus had signed the papers to disown Blake entirely. Not only that, but Marcus had written Blake out of his will, and out of the company.

Blake shook his head. He knew that something like this had to have been coming. Ever since Blake had left for Japan, things had felt off, different even. Marcus hadn't acted the same as he had before around Blake, and it was only becoming more and more evident with the passing time. Now, it was clear to Blake just where he stood at Greenberg Enterprises.

Blake pushed the thoughts aside as he quickly hit the print button on the document, all while emailing a copy to both himself and Clarity. He couldn't be half assed with this, he needed to see this through to help both Clarity, and himself.

His phone began to buzz the second the email went through, Clarity's contact lighting up the screen. "Blake!" Clarity urged as the man in question answered the phone. "What is this?" She tried. Blake could hear the confusion in her voice. It brought a small smile to his face.

"That, is the agreement between Marcus and the Kennedy's. It states at the very end that-"

"If I break up with Zander, then the merger won't happen." Clarity finished for him. Blake could feel himself nodding as he began to cover his tracks. He swiftly picked up the printed document, and shut down Marcus' computer. With that, Blake pulled out the notepad that had been lying on Marcus' desk. Blake quickly wrote out his resignation and signed it. Now all he had to do, was get out of Marcus' office.

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