Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Blake Greenberg. That was the one person Clarity absolutely could not shake from her mind.

She would be honest in saying she had definitely not expected running into him earlier in the day. That was to say the least, of course. She was shocked. But she didn't know exactly why. Blake had said he would be gone for three months. It had been three months. A little over, actually. And what better day to return on than the day of the Fredrickson ball?

Clarity had known why he had to leave, but when it really came down to it, he would always be her rival. There was absolutely no way around that. The two would always be at each other's throats in the business world. How would they have been able to simply push that aside once they were alone? A much larger fight would have broken out than the one before Blake had left, or even the one in the store earlier.

Clarity, Bree, Chase, Andrew, Amanda, and even Zander, were on their way to the Fredrickson ball. After spending an entire day with her family, Zander included, the six had grown quiet in the limo. The exception being her parents, who had been continuously whispering throughout the entire ride. It was an utter mystery as to what to two were discussing. Then again, how was Clarity supposed to guess?

The Davenport family had been disconnected since she had left for college. The disconnect only growing in size when she had involved herself with Blake Greenberg. Clarity and Andrew were the only two in on that scandal, however. But Andrew was still unhappy with that particular situation.

Zander sat at Clarity's left, his knee bouncing up and down as he kept his gaze focused outside the car at the approaching event. The lights from the cameras continued flashing about as their limo rode closer and closer. Clarity wasn't concerned with the reporters, though. She was concerned with Zander.

First, he had shown up unexpectedly at the store. Which was something he had never done. Second, he had given her a necklace, but not just any necklace. That was a family heirloom. That was something special, something that had couldn't be compared to the other gifts Zander had given her. But, to top off the day, Zander had been incredibly nervous and flighty around her. The two had barely had a conversation. And sadly, Clarity's younger brother was included in these weird actions.

Andrew had kept his distance from his sister throughout their family day. Never once finding himself alone with her. That was weird for Andy, the two were practically best friends. Amanda had also been a bit standoffish, herself. But not enough to the point that Clarity could instantly lump her in a category with her brother and her boyfriend.

"We're here." Chase announced quietly as the car came to a stop. Their driver quickly made his way out of the car, running around to the back where he popped open the door for the passengers. Chase watched as Clarity sent a sweet smile the driver's way, Clarity climing out of the car with Zander hot on her heels. Andrew let out a long sigh, Amanda looking just as nervous for the upcoming night as they were the next to exit the limo.

Bree quickly spun around, her eyes enough tell for Chase to know she was concerned for her husband. "You doing okay?" Bree questioned as she allowed her hand to rub up and down Chase's arm. He nodded surely, taking his wife's hand and looking deep into her eyes.

"I'm fine." Chase muttered before recieving another odd glance from Bree. "I really am." He defended, giving his wife a teasing smile as he squeezed her hand a little tighter. Bree laughed lightly, slowly making her way to the back of the limo.

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