Chapter 11

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I went up to my room,thinking about all the things that happened today. Josh,Mike & the mystery boy.

Speaking of the devil,I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket & it was a DM from him 'long time no talk' what? We were just talking yesterday,weird.

'We were just talking yesterday' I typed honestly.

'I know,but I miss you already babe ;)'

'Babe? Seriously? Is this a new side of you?'

'What? You don't like it? Do u like someone else?'

'What are you talking about? I don't like it because I don't know you well"

'So you don't like someone else?'

'Else? I don't like anybody'

'Non from your school? No high school crush? ;)'

'NO,no high school crush,what's wrong with you today!'

'Nothing,just making sure that you don't like someone else'

'Else?! I don't get you! Whatever.' I started to feel frustrated.

'Ok,calm down,just asking. How was your day?'

'Eventfull,what about yours?'

'As usual,why was it eventful tho?'

'My best friend told me that he likes me&a new hot guy came to school today&told me I'm beautiful *-*'

'Wow,this is seriously an eventful day & I agree with the guy,I'm sure that you're beautiful:)'

'*Blushing* Thanks a lot :)'

'What about your best friend? Do you like him back?'

'I don't really know,he's cute,funny&kind,any girl would go crazy for him. But he's my best friend,you know?'

"Yeah,I get it,but you didn't tell me yet'

'Tell you what?'

'Do you like him & you don't want to risk your friendship? Or you don't see him as your boyfriend?'

That was a good question,a really good one that I had to ask myself. Do I like him or not?

I stared & kept thinking about that subject,he's really cute,he can make me laugh by saying just a few words,he's very kind&he cares about me in a way that my father should've done.

But I'm sure about one thing,I don't want to risk our friendship,whether I like him or not,I'm not gonna risk our friendship. At least that was what I thought for now,I started typing my reply to the mystery boy.

'I just don't want to lose him,that's all what I know'

'Do you know that your conversations with him would be awkward as hell?'

'I guess I figured that out,but we'll solve everything.. Hopefully'

'Good luck with that,I want to ask you a question'

'Thanks & go on'

'Can I see a picture of you?

'Why the sudden curiosity?'

'Nothing,I just want to know&see if you're as beautiful as the picture I imagined'

"Ehm..okaii I guess'

I picked out a photo of mine,when I was at my cousin's wedding,I looked really pretty here. The one time I thought that I looked pretty in something,I clicked send.



'You look more beautiful than any picture I've ever imagined!'

"Thanks :$ I don't see myself that way tho :/'

'Why? Someone as beautiful as you,should be more self confident'

'I'm working on building up my slef confidence & hopefully it'll work well'

'I hope so,I have to go. Good night <3'

'Byee x'

Why did he go? I was enjoying talking to him,more than I expected. But that could be dangerous,right? I don't know him really well,so I could start getting comfortable with him.

Well,I don't know what's gonna happen,I'll wait & see,but I can already tell that he's gonna be special.

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