Chapter 19

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"Well,we want to hear all the details!" Amy said,talking about my date with Josh "come to my room,I'll tell you over there" I told Amy & Jessie,who were sitting impatiently & stuck my tongue out at Mike. We went to my room & I started telling them about my date,with every single little boring detail,I got the usual 'aw' 'so cute' 'doesn't he have a brother?'.

"I've seen that you & Mike are cool now,is that true?" Amy asked "yeah" I nodded,I don't want to tell her about my plan,she'll be on Mike's side because,obviously,he's her brother "good,but I have to tell you something" she said,looking unsure "sure" I smiled at her "you know Mike still likes you,right?" she asked "what?" I asked confused "I swear he doesn't stop checking your Twitter account every 5 minutes! He stares at nothing & smiles like an idiot & he keeps re-reading your DM's! He wanted to Dm you many times but he chickened out & he jumped out of the chair when he say that you DMed him yesterday!" she explained,throwing her hands around.

"Oh" I thought about it,this could be perfect for my plan,I can break that little heart of his,just like how he kinda broke mine.. Perfect! I pretended to by shy & looked at the ground,smiling slightly "are you bushing?" Amy asked,smirking "no I'm not" I said,as I tried to hold my breath in so my face would redden a little bit "she pushed my hand away & saw my red face "you are!" she practically yelled "shut up,okaii?" I giggled "fine fine,but I know you are" she replied,grinning.

The day went by normally,nothing exciting happened except the cute texts from Josh & the jealous ones because Mike is around. I have to admit that I really like Josh,when I'm with him,I forget The mystery guy,Mike & all the things that happened.He makes me so happy,the most important thing is.. He made me get over Mike,it's going quickly I know,but this is what I was hoping for.

Anyway,my plan of destroying Mike is going good so far,like the next day at school "hi Mike" I smiled sweetly at him "hey" he smiled back,standing across his locker "how are you doing today?" I asked,putting one of my hands on his chest "I-I'm good? Yeah,good" he replied hesitantly "you look good today" I smiled at him,with my hand going over his shoulders "thank you? I've never seen this side of you" he questioned "maybe because I've never seen you as something more than a best-friend?" I giggled & kept the sweet smile on my face "w-what do you mean? Y-you mean t-that you see me as..?" he trailed on,I knew exactly what he meant "read what's between the line Mikey" I winked at him & walked away,leaving his standing there speechless.

Did I forget to tell you what I was wearing that day? I was wearing a floral mini skirt,a tank top & matching heels. If I wanted my plan to go raelly well,better than what I planned,then I'll have to use what I got. The days passed normally,me acting all flirtatious around Mike,but Lovey Dovey with Josh when he's around,I'm not cheating.. He didn't ask me  to be his girlfriend yet,so..

Everything was going great,till that day,the day that changed my entire perspective on my plan. Mike didn't come to school that day & I was truly worried sick about him,I skipped the rest of the day at school,telling Josh that I wasn't feeling so good. Plus,I didn't see Amy at all today,she didn't come too,so that made me extra worried about both of them. 

What if they had an accident on their way over here? What if they were kidnapped? What if Mike was really sick so Amy had to take care of him because of his terrible condition? What if it's the other way around? All the what if's came rushing to my mind.

A few minutes later,I was at their front door,ringing the bell,a messy looking Amy opened the door & hugged me tightly "what the hell is wrong with you & your brother!" I asked her,furrowing my eyebrows "come in,I'll tell you everything" she said,closing the door behind me. We sat on the couch in their livingroom & she started explaining "yesterday,we went out to grab something to eat,we went to a chinese restaurant but it's not really well-known. We thought that we should try something new,we ate & ate,the food was really good. Till this morning,Mike & I started puking everything in our stomach,my condition wasn't really bad,unlike him. He ordered more raw fish & he spent the entire morning in the bathroom,hugging the sink so he won't puke on the floor" she sighed & shook her head "what!" I shouted "is he okay? Is he doing better now? How is he? Can I go up to his room & see him? I'm not waiting for an answer,I'm going" I ran up the stairs to his room,to be greeted by a pale faced Mike & white lips,his hair was a mess,just like his room.

"Mike" I said,as I went to his bed "how are you feeling?" I asked,putting my hand on his forehead "have been better" he replied in his morning voice,which completely took me off guard "get well soon" I smiled at him & kissed his cheek,he blushed but shrugged it off "hopefully" he replied,what surprised me,that I felt heat rising to my cheeks when I kissed his,was I blushing? I guess I was.

"Do you want some soup?" I asked "I stopped throwing up,so yeah" he replied,grinning "okay,be right back" I giggled & hurried to the kitchen,I read how to make the soup on the back of the packet & I did it,without burning their kitchen! I went back to his room,with the bowl of soup in my hand "mission accomplished" I joked "thank you" he smiled at me & patted the spot next to him on the bed "you're not gonna puke on me,are you" I said "no,come here" he chuckled.

I sat beside him,while he tasted the soup "it's weird to say this,but you're kind of a good cook,it tastes really good" he said "well,thank you" I grinned & he continued "did you skip school?" he asked "obviously" I replied.


"Because I was worried about you.. And Amy of course"

"But you left Amy downstairs & you're sitting with me"

"I was worried about you more,okay?"


"Are you quoting Tfios?"


"You're an idiot"

"Whom you can't spend a day without"

"Shut up"

"Make me" he replied,smirking,I thought about it for a moment, but shook off the idea instantly,ugh! No way! "Whatever" I replied.

"Does Josh know that you left him at school to see me?"


"Why didn't you tell him?"

"Because I just wanted to come & see you,I was worried sick!" I was getting frustrated by Mike right now! What the hell! Did I commit a crime or something?

"You can't leave your boyfriend at school without telling him that you're going to see another boy."

"First,he's not my boyfriend,he didn't ask me yet. Second,you're not just 'another boy' you're my best friend & when Josh asked me to go out with him,he knew that you & Amy are my number 1,okay?"


"Quoting the book. Again."

"Maybe." he paused for a second "okay will be our always." he smirked.

"Shut up." I shoved him playfully, he finished his soup & put it on his bedside table. 

"Make me." this time I didn't think about it, I just did what my guts told me & connected my lips to his. Not caring about him puking at the moment, it was just perfect. He was startled, but once he realized what was happening, he kissed me back.

I pulled away,looking anywhere but him. 

"S-sorry." I said, blushing. 

"Don't be." he smiled, but my ringtone ruined the moment, I looked at the caller ID & it was an unknown number. 

"Unknown number? OH MY GOD this could totally be Ed Sheeran!" I shrieked.

"Jut answer your phone, before Ed Sheeran would hang up." Mike laughed.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. 

"Miss Olsen?" a lady replied. 

"Yes,who is this?" I asked, hoping it was Ed's manager or something.

"This is the local hospital, I'm sorry to tell you this but your mother has been moved in here 45 minutes ago, I hope you come as soon as possible & we'll explain everything!". I dropped my phone & stared at the wall in front of me, I ran out of Mike's house not saying a word to anyone & ignoring their calls behind me.

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