Chapter 13

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We finished eating our dinner & I excused myself to go home. "Wait,I'll drive you" Mike offered "no thanks,it's dark & I don't want to be a burden" I replied,I actually wanted to walk to clear my mind & to think about what I'm gonna do.

"That's the point,it's dark & I don't want you to walk by yourself" he smiled & took my hand "bye" I waved to the rest of his family & we walked out of the door. Once we were out,an awkward silence settled over us "so.." he said trying to break the silence "so?" I said,trying to sound casual but it came out as a squeak.

"Why did you suddenly agree?" he asked,opening the car door for me "because you're sweet,kind & you always make me laugh,you're just kinda cute" I stated,looking anywhere but him "ohh" he said & I looked up,to find Mike blushing furiously & staring at the steering wheel.

I smiled & looked out the window,watching the houses passing by,till I spotted my house "we're here" "thanks" I whispered "about our date" he started,I looked at him & gestured for him to continue "are you free tomorrow at 6?" he asked "yeah" I smiled & kissed his cheek "you're blushing a lot these days" I teased when I saw him blushing.

He shoved me playfully "shut up" he laughed & poked my cheek "see you at school" I said,as I closed the car door behind me "see ya!" he said & drove off.

"Hey mum" I greeted her I entered my house "hi sweetie,how was dinner?" she asked "it was good" I smiled "nothing new happened?" Jessie asked,walking down the stairs "um.. no not really" I shrugged "but I have a date tomorrow" I said,as I was going up to my room "WHAT!" Mum & Jessie screamed in unison.

"I thought you were only going to have dinner with Amy's parents,what happened?" my mother asked "well,actually,the date is with Mike" I said,trying not to make a big deal out of it,but the looks on their faces proved the exact opposite.

"You & Mike d-dating?" Jessei asked in disbelief "yes,why are you so shocked? Do you like him or something?" I joked "no,I always knew that he had a thing for you & good job girl you got the hot guy" she high fived me & laughed at her silliness.

"What changed your mind all of a sudden?" Jessie asked "he's cute,he told me that he really likes me,so I'll just go with the flow & see where it'll bring me" I smiled,satisfied with my answer & went to my room.

I opened Twitter,we didn't talk all day today & I kinda miss him? I found a DM from him 'Hey,you're missed :)' my heart fluttered & I started typing back.

'Hello,you're kinda missed too,talking to you became like my daily routine'.

'Good routine or a boring one?'

'Definitetely a good one :)'

'Good,soo I wanted to tell you something?'

'Sure,what's up'

'But promise that you won't freak out'

'Ok,I'll start to worry now,what's wrong? :/'

'You have to promise me first'

'Fine,I promise I won't freak out'

'I-I kinda like you? Like really like you'

My heart skipped a beat when I read his DM,I kept re-reading it over & over again. What the hell! He likes me? He doesn't even know my name! But..well,I don't even know his name & I have a crush on him,soo..

'What? Is that a joke?'

'You promised that you won't freak out'

'I'm not freaking out,although my heart is gonna jump out of my chest right now'

'First,I'm not joking whatsoever. Second,what does that mean?'

'It means that I kinda like you back?'

'Seriously? You like me back! Oh my god,I was scared that you'd reject me & block me out of Twitter forever'

'Noo,why would I do that,you're cute ;)'

'Even though you didn't even see my face? :p'

'I know that you'll be cute. Plus,i guy with a personality like yours can never be ugly (despite your attitude at first) :p'

'I don't know whether to be flattered or offended'

'Oh definitely flattered ;p. But there's a problem :/'

'What is it?'

'I have a date tomorrow with Mike'

'What? When!'

'At 6 p.m :/'

"Why did you agree to go out with him if you like ME?'

'Because..because he's my best friend & he's one of the sweetest people ever & I can't tell him no'

'Well,you're gonna push him away now,you shouldn't have agreed'

'Why would I push him away?'

'Because you like me? Because once we set a date,time & place I'll make you mine?'

'Why would you think that I''d agree to be yours?!!'

'Because 2 minutes ago you said that you like me,you're not making any sense Jamie god damn it!'

'How did you know my name?'

'You mentioned it before,of course'

'No I'm sure I didn't! Who are you? Are you a stalker or something? What the hell!'

'You're making no sense,I have to go now,talk later. Bye'

What the actual hell! How did he know my name? I'm 100% sure that I didn't tell him! Does he stalk me or something? Now I'm scared! I closed the curtains of my room & went to sleep.

I'll have to think of something to tell Mike that I don't see him as something more than a best friend,but in a nice was,not to push him away or anything.

But most of all,I have to know what's up with the Twitter dude. I have to admit that I kinda like him but he's a weirdo!

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