Chapter 6

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"Why can't we be friends?! Why do we have to argue on nothing like that!" his tweet said. I was sitting in-front of my laptop screen wide eyed, I can't believe that he asked me to be friends after telling me all the rude things!

"What? R u being serious? R u asking me to be your friend after telling me all these rude things?!" I pressed reply, I just tweeted him what was on my mind. And I sat their impatiently waiting for his reply, which came after a couple of minutes.

"Yes, I am! Why are you so surprised? Is it weird that I want to be your friend instead of arguing?! I just want to know new people :)" I kept re-reading his tweet for a few times, not believing my eyes.

Okay, if I agree to be his friend. How could I let him be my friend when I don't know him? When I met him on Twitter? When all I know about him is that he has no true friends? And all what he knows about me is my love for Ed Sheeran? I have to think about this very well, before doing something that I'd regret.

I didn't reply, I didn't know what to tell him. Plus, I wanted to act like I was busy doing something that was more important than checking my twitter all the time. Stupid, I know.

I signed out, shut the laptop, changed into my PJ's & jumped on my bed. Letting all the thoughts hide at the back of my mind. I drifted off to sleep, not having a care in this world.

I was smiling at Mike, he took a step closer to me & held me tightly in his arms. He lifted my chin up & kissed me, I was completely shocked. After a few seconds, I kissed him back. We broke the kiss, me looking behind him, to find Amy hiding behind the couch, grinning & clapping like a little child. Suddenly, the door bursts open revealing.. .Ed Sheeran?! What the hell! His arms were crossed & a small smirk was on his lips, raising an eyebrow. I looked at him, my eyes nearly getting out of their socket. I felt a sharp pain on my cheek, I looked at Mike & he was furious, his eyes & face were red, I was scared, I never saw him like this EVER! Why? And why did he slap me?!

I woke up breathing heavily, what was that dream about?! It didn't make sense AT ALL! Why did Mike & I kiss? Why was Amy so glad about it?! Why did Mike slap me?! And WHY DID EDWARD FREAKIN SHEERAN APPEARED IN MY DREAM.

Okay, not the right time to fangirl. I decided to let the dream out of my head, it was just a dream after all & it probably meant nothing. I went to the bathroom, took a quick hot shower,to just relax & forget about everything.

I changed into a pair of dark jeans & a blue tank top, I decided to look pretty today since I woke up early. I curled my hair with my curling iron, removed all the hair from my face & pulled it back. I applied a little bit of mascara & eyeliner, a little blush & my pink lip gloss.

I took one last look in the mirror, wow I look pretty for once,  I should try to look girly more often since I don't look bad. I gathered all the books I needed for today & put them in my bag.

I went to the kitchen, to find my mum reading the newspaper & drinking some coffee.

"Morning mum." I kissed the top pf her head, I don't know why but I was in a good mood today.

"Morning dear" she replied smiling.

"You look happy today, what's up?!" she asked looking up at me.

"I don't know, I'm just in a good mood." I replied taking a sip of her coffee.

"There's enough for you in the kettle." she rose her eyebrow,giving me a scolding look.

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