Chapter 23

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She was standing right in front of me,with dad by her side. I stood there not knowing what to say "huh?" was the only thing that came out of my mouth "aren't you gonna let us in,sweetie?" my dad smiled at me,his eyes bright. I just moved from the door,so they can come in. But before they got in, I engulfed my mum in a huge hug, she sighed & hugged me back. But her hands were too week to hold on much longer.

"Mum? Dad?" I heard Jamie's shocked voice, I was still standing where I was, holding the door wide open. I was staring into space, not believing what the hell just happened. I closed the door & hurried into the living room & saw dad carrying Jack, while hugging Jessie with the other hand. Amy was rubbing mum's back, asking about how she's doing today "how did you get out of the hospital today?" I asked what I guess was on all of our minds "your dad came & got me, telling them that I'll be better at home" mum replied, smiling at him. "Are you gonna introduce me to your new friend, James?" dad asked me "dad! I've told you a thousand times that James is a male name" I groaned, while he chuckled "and this is Josh, he's new at our school" I said, sitting beside mum "hello there" he nodded at him "it's a pleasure to finally meet you,sir" Josh said politely, sitting up straighter. Jessie put her head on mum's lap, hugging her waist & refusing to let her go "how's it going Ames,Mike?" My dad asked, directing his attention towards them "great" they grinned at him & he patted Mike on the shoulder "I'll go get some rest now, excuse me" dad said, getting up & kissing my mum's forehead "when you wale up lunch will be ready, can you help me guys? I can give you the directions" mum suggested, raising her eyebrows. We all nodded & obeyed.

"Put the butter in that pan,Jessie" "Amy chop the onions & put them in the bowl with the avocado" "stir the milk in one direction,Josh" "Mike get your fat butt of that chair & help your friends" mum scolded Mike, which made me smirk at him "Ugh we're too many they can do the work" Mike groaned but began to help anyway "crack these eggs on the milk that Josh is stirring" "Jamie please check the oven, see if the pasta is done" 20 minutes later, we were placing the food on the table "hope you learned something" Mike told me "whatever" I rolled my eyes at him & went to wake dad up.

"Ah it's so good to be back" dad said, looking around the table & he started eating, all of us following "so, our little Jack here didn't learn any new words?" My dad asked, smiling at his baby. I chocked on my food, while mum & Amy shared a look "what's wrong? You want some water?" Dad asked me "no thanks the salad is just.. Um.. Hot?" I said, having a sudden interest in my food. Someone kicked my foot from under the table, I looked up & Mike winked at me. I hate blushing! "So no new words here,huh?" My dad said frowning "it has been 10 months since I last saw him & nothing new?" Why can't he just change the subject?!

"Fuck oo" jack said, which earned gasp from Josh followed by a confused look from dad "what did he just say?" My dad asked, pointing a finger at him "he said luff you! To you dad, isn't this amazing?" I said, trying to use Mike's old cover. To my surprise, mum laughed, she really laughed. Which made me & every other person around the table, even Jack, laugh. Except dad & Josh who had confused looks on their faces. "What's so funny?" josh asked & mum started explaining.
I guess dad was going to find out sooner or later "you jackass! You made my 2 year old boy learn a bad word! I'm so gonna tell your parents" my dad shouted at Mike. Which sent all of us into complete silence. The tension was broken by a "jackath" Jack said, which sent all of us into fit of laughter, even dad "I guess that's the payback for calling you so & don't worry I won't tell your parents,son" my dad smiled at Mike & we started clearing the table. If only all our days would be this good.

A couple of hours later "it's getting late, I should probably go" Josh said, standing up "take care, it was nice seeing you" my father gave him a manly hug, which surprised me. Dad never warmed up to anyone of my guy friends this fast, not even Mike. I walked Josh to the door "good night" I smiled up at him, since he was a lot taller than me "good night,Jamie" he gave me a warm smile & walked away. Just when I was about to close the door "actually" he said turning on his heels "yes?" I replied. He sprinted towards me, held me in his arms & kissed me.. Right there & then. It was soft gentle, almost tickling my lips, which made me break into a smile "finally" I breathed & he blushed "Jamie, I want us to be official, I want you so bad you have no idea. So Jamie, will you be mine? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, with a hopeful smile "do you even have to ask?" I grinned at him. He hugged me tightly, lifting me off my feet & we started giggling.

"What's going on here?" I heard dad's voice, followed by Mike & Jessie. Josh & I looked at each other, locked our fingers together & he put my hand to him mouth & kissed it ever-so-lightly "oh..Ohh I see" dad smiled knowingly "being her father, I hate to admit it, but I'm actually glad that she chose you" dad winked at Josh & went to, probably, tell mum "finally,Jamie!" Jessie laughed & hugged me. I looked over at Mike, to find him holding the doorknob, his knuckles white "slut" he murmured & walked outside the house, past Josh & I "Amy! I'm waiting in the car!" he shouted over his shoulder & walked away. I was too stunned to reply to his little comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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