Chapter 9

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"What?" I asked "you look very pretty today,like..SO pretty. During lunch,you were drooling over that Josh dude,while I was sitting there staring at your beautiful face" he said,avoiding my gaze & blushed a deep color of red.

I did the same,I blushed like crazy,I felt like my face was gonna fall off. I don't know why,but Mike telling me I was pretty was better than when Josh told me. I guess it's my lucky day today "t-thanks" I replied,looking at my hands. "Want me to pick you up to visit Amy?" he asked,breaking the awkward silence "okaii,come at 7" I replied,getting out of the car quickly.

I entered the house & went straight to my room,noticing that mum was still at work. I closed my door behind me&decided to check Twitter,but didn't find any new mentions or DM's 'In a good mood' I pressed tweet & went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Half an hour later,I was bored to death,so I decided to check Twitter again,since I don't really like Facebook.

I saw a new photo for Ed that was completely amazing,I saved it & made it my new lockscreen. Yup,my phone just got brighter. My timeline was some boring tweets,till my eyes fell on a certain one 'In a good mood' the mysterious boy tweeted. Is he copying me or something? I decided to play along 'good for you' I pressed tweet to no one in particular 'good for you' I read his tweet after a few seconds.

'Someone is copying me' I pressed tweet again.

'Someone is copying me'.

'Someone is being a complete JERK!'

'Hey!I'm not a jerk!' I read his tweet on my timeline.

'ha! Got ya!'

'whatever you say'

I chuckled at our weirdness.

I got a new DM "people will think that we're crazy,we're talking to ourselves ;)"

"Your fault :)" I replied

"It's not my fault that I'm in such a good mood"

"Really? You weren't copying me? o.O"

"I wasn't copying u,but I decided to play along ;)"

"I guess you're the smart kid between your siblings then :p"

"You bet! How many siblings do you have?"

"Only 2,wbu?"

"Just one,why are you in a good mood tho?"

"I don't know,I woke up with a smile on my face :)"

"Good for you"

"yeah,I have to go TTYL!"

"Girls with their shortcuts,bye"

I giggled,looked at the clock & it was already 5:30. I want to look good,I'm in the mood for it,I got up & took a nice shower. Changed into a mini,flowy skirt & a little bit tight blouse. I brushed my hair&left it to do its natural curls,put some make up on,not too much though.

And bam it was suddenly 6:55,I quickly grabbed my phone,purse&put my black ballerina on&heard a car horn. I wrote a quick note to my mum,saying that I went to Amy's so she won't be worried&hurried out of the house,into the car.

"Hi" I said "hey" Mike replied with a small smile "give me a break!" he said,blushing a little bit&focusing more on the road "excuse me?" I asked confused "at school you looked pretty&now you look even prettier! Just give me a rest,not twice a day" he said,laughing a little bit. I blushed deeply & looked out of the window

"what's up with you today?!" I asked in a low voice,I couldn't speak,he gave me a weird feeling at the pit of my stomach. He chuckled & glanced at me,then back at the road.

We got back into a really awkward silence,I could feel the tension in the car. After a few minutes,we were finally parking infront of their house.

Both of us got out of the car,not saying a word,he opened the door to their house&we got in "she's in her room" Mike said,not glancing at me whatsoever. I guess he felt the awkwardness too,I don't blame him though. I didn't reply&walked in the direction of Amy's room,to find her sitting on her bed watching tv "mimyy" I said engulfing her in a huge bear hug "I missed you so much!" she said,hugging me back.

"How was school without me?!" she asked "do you even want to know? It was hell!" I replied,shaking my head,but then I remembered Josh..

"There's something that I have to tell you" I said,clapping my hands "what is it?" she asked,excitedly "I'm hungry" Mike said,walking into the room "then eat" Amy said as if was the most obvious thing in the world..well,actually it is.

"You're a genius Amy,there's no food in the house" he said,annoyed "oh,okaii then,what do you want to eat Jamie?" Amy asked me "I'm not that hungry" I said in a low voice,I don't know why but I got so nervous when Mike walked in.

"But you're always hungry!" Amy said,raising an eyebrow,I blushed & said "a-anything would be n-nice" I stuttered "seriously,what's wrong with you?" Amy asked,completely confused "nothing" I replied,looking at the ground.

"And why aren't you talking to each other or joking aroud like you always do?" she asked,throwing her hands in the air. Mike & I looked at each other&quickly both of us looked away "did you have a fight or something?" she asked again.

Mike sighed "sort of..?" he said "WHAT! What the hell happened!" she shouted "and if you too are mad at each other,then how come he picked you up to come here?!" she asked,rubbing her forehead.

"We WERE mad at each other,it's his fault though" I said,looking at Amy "seriously? It was MY fault?" Mike asked "yes it was!" I said,getting up from beside Amy "Was it my fault that you kept flirting with that Josh guy? Was it my fault that you&Lily insulted me during lunch? Was it my fault that you ignored me so you can go & flirt with him?!" he said,raising his voice.

I backed away "I didn't mean to insult you! I didn't ignore you,I said that I was gonna talk to you after school! And what if I flirted with Josh,or any other guy!" I said,raising my voice too "why do you care if I did!" I shouted again,feeling the tears coming.

"I do care! Okaii?!" he shouted again "WHY!!" I shouted at him,getting closer "because I like you! Okaii? I freakin like you!" he shouted,turning around & going out of the room,leaving me standing there stunned.

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