Here without you

613 58 15

Katy's P.O.V
I woke up pretty slowly to an empty bed. I was the only one laying there, Orlando wasn't next to me. I went to the bathroom to search for him, I ignored washing my face and brushing my teeth because Orlando is the only one that matters the most right now. I went downstairs but nobody was there, I searched for him in the kitchen, the living room, the guest room, the garden but he wasn't there. I went back upstairs and searched in the bedroom, he's probably just hiding and kidding around.

"Lando??!!!!!! Lando??!!!!!! Please answer me??!!!!! Where are you??!!!!! Babe??!!!!"

My voice was literally echoing through the house but nobody answered. I noticed a piece of paper on my pillow and I know this handwriting, it's Orlando's.

Katy, if you read this note is that I got a call from my manager and told me I had to go to Las Vegas to discuss about a new movie. I'm really sorry for leaving you lonely but don't worry, I will be back in three days. I didn't want to wake you up because you were sleeping peacefully. I can't wait to see your beautiful face and kiss your sweet lips again. I love you so much kitten. I will miss you!

Orlando's P.O.V
I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up and noticed that it was 4:30 am, it was still too early and my manager just called me. Katy was still sleeping. I went to the hall and answered.


"Good morning Orlando. How are you?"

"C'mon man it's 4:45 am. I feel dizzy!"

"I know but I called you to tell you that you have to be at the airport at 6:00."

"Excuse me?!"

"Yeah I know, it's strange but we have to discuss about a new movie and we are going to Las Vegas. Pack your bags and join me after!"

"Omg seriously?!"

"Yeah get ready!" He said and I heard him giggling through the phone

I went to the bedroom, wore a pair of jeans, a blue shirt and a jacket. Then I took my sneakers. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth and my hair then started packing my bags without waking up Katy. When I finished all that, I took a piece of paper and wrote down a little something. I approached Katy and kissed her forehead and then her lips. I just don't want to leave her, she will be surprised when she will wake up. I went downstairs with my luggage, took the car keys and my phone and then got out of the house. I already miss Katy. I want her with me. I want her with me forever.
End of flashback

Katy's P.O.V
I read the letter and tears were escaping from my eyes, this is the sweetest and saddest letter I have ever read in my life. He just left me, but I know it's job and I will wait for him. I have to call him. I grabbed my phone from the ground, it probably fell down at night. I unlocked it, search for his cell phone number and before clicking, I wiped my tears and waited for him to answer. He didn't answer on the first call so I tried a second time and he finally picked it up.

"Orlando where are you?!"

"Katy calm down, I'm really sorry for leaving you without telling you but I just arrived in Las Vegas. You read my little note, right?"

"I did but..." I started crying

"Katy please don't cry. I will be with you in three days."

"I want you, I miss you more than ever!"

"Me too babe, but we will see each other in three days. It's not a big deal. I miss you so much and I will always love you kitten."

"Me too. But promise me that you will face time with me."

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