I've never planned on loving you this much

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Katy's P.O.V
Orlando had his both arms wrapped around my waist as I woke up. I opened both of my eyes and stared at him, he had his messy brown hair and was not even wearing his shirt. Damn. He looked perfectly hot and sexy at the same time.

I smiled a bit and then finally got up and headed towards the bathroom where I just washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair, you know, just my morning routine as usual.

When I was done with that, I got back to the bedroom and noticed that Orlando was already up but he was staring at the ceiling. "Good morning." I said and he finally made eye-contact with me. "Good morning princess." Aw why was he so sweet? "Did you sleep well?" I nodded my head and joined him on the bed. "What about you?" He yawned which made him look even cuter. "I just slept good, you know why?"


"Because my everything is here with me." I giggled and crinkled my nose at the same time because what he was saying was the cutest thing ever. He then approached me and leaned in to kiss me. I could feel his breath before his soft lips were on mine.

When we pulled away, I took my laptop and went on Skype. I wanted to see Angela and what she was doing with Skyler. Well actually Skyler is at Angela's because she did not want to go to Santa Barbara and then come back. Lazy big sister.

She finally answered and I saw her holding Skyler in her arms. "Hi Katy!" I smiled at her and kept on staring at Skyler, she looked so cute. "Hi Ang! How are you?"

"Great thanks and you?"

"I'm alright. How is Skyler doing?" She looked at her and then at me, I miss my baby so much. I just want to hold her in my arms forever and no one can separate us. "She's doing just fine. I just fed her and now I'm about to put her to sleep." I nodded my head and gave her an -okay- look and I saw Skyler, she was holding Angela's pinkie finger with her hand in the meantime she was sleeping.

"Is the weather nice in Sydney." I grabbed my phone because I wanted to go on twitter while talking. "Yeah it's pretty warm. It's good. What time is it there?" I asked and she gave a look at the clock. "It's 12:04am, gotta put Skyler in her crib." I giggled and she stood up and then left the room. She came back and sat comfortably on the bed. "Where's Stella and Svend?"

"Svend is in Montana for work and Stella is already sleeping."

"Okay tell Stella that auntieK misses her so much and looks forward to see her again."

"Okay, have a great day. Bye!" She blew a kiss and then I turned off my laptop. I noticed that Orlando was talking on the phone in the balcony, he sounded very angry. I tip toed and then I approached him from behind. "CAN YOU PLEASE JUST LET ME ENJOY MY TIME WITH MY FIANCÉ!" Okay this is probably something related to work. "NO! I WON'T BE WORKING UNTIL I COME BACK! I'M IN SYDNEY AFTER ALL, I'M NOT GONNA TAKE A FLIGHT FROM HERE TO BOSTON!" He then hang up and let out a huge sigh.

"Honey are you okay?" He refused to look at me and he kept staring at his phone. "Yeah just work and all that stuff." I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind to calm him down a little bit. "I love you babe." He then turned around to face me and he smiled. "I love you back sweetheart." He pecked my lips for a few seconds and then he putted a piece of my hair behind my ear. Man, I love him so much and I will love him until I die.

3 days later...

My alarm clock woke me up and Orlando was staring at me while smiling. Him being around me, his body against mine, his breath touching my light skin were probably the best things a girl could ever dream of. I mean everybody deserves love, everybody needs to feel loved and have great days and enjoy life because life is worth living.

My prince ❤️ {Korlando fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now