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Orlando's P.O.V
We have not take off the plane yet so I could probably sneak out. I would tell everybody. I just can't go to China and let Katy in danger. I would never think about this. Never. I took all my bags and talked to my manager.

"Look bud I have to go."

"You can't, we are shooting a new movie, remember." He smirked and this is just making me feel more angry than I was before.

"Look my girlfriend is in danger! Don't you understand?! You probably not because she's not your girl and she's just a distraction."

"Orlando, I really did not mean to say this earlier but..."

"But you did and I will never accept your apologies." I said and then I left them

I ran to my car and called my driver and then we drove back to Katy's house. I was so anxious. It actually took us just 10 minutes because we were close to the airport. When we were already there, I ran to open the door because I got the keys and then opened it slowly to make sure that Russell was there if I got here but I did not find anyone or anything downstairs. There were lights coming from Katy's bedroom and I ran upstairs not losing hope of finding her.


"Orlando you are finally here..."

"Can you tell me what happened actually?" I asked her as I saw Katy lying on her bed lifeless and Flynn sleeping next to her, taking her hand which melted my heart.

"I do not know what actually happened but I drove by and decided to hang out with her because I heard you would go to China and then I found her ex-husband trying to kill her. I called the cops and now he is arrested." She answered while sobbing

"Thank you for doing all that..."

"It's not that much, I hope she will wake up. Just when I entered the house, Flynn ran to Katy and he hugged her and then she felt down on the floor. Russell tried to escape but I called the cops and I carried Katy to her bedroom. She scared me."

"Thank God he's arrested. He will leave her for a bit now." I said as I approached the bed

I sat next to her, hold her hand and caressed her cheek with my thumb. She looked so pale and broken. This is breaking my heart actually and my poor Flynn. He has been crying I'm sure. I can see it in his face.

"I'm going downstairs for a few minutes." Miranda said as I gave her a little smile that means "sure"


I just started at Katy and how she was sleeping on the bed. I'm just sacred that she will not wake up but I'm never losing hope, she's such a strong woman to leave us. I took Flynn's hand which was on Katy's tummy and hold it with Katy's hand. Kissing them is just what I needed right now.

"Orlando... Orlando..." Katy tried to say without opening her eyes

"I'm here Katy... please open your eyes... I did not go anywhere... I'm here babe..."

"Orlando... Russell tried to k-" She tried to say but then she felt asleep again or I think she went in a coma

"Katy please don't leave me..." I kissed the top of her head and tears were escaping from my eyes. If she does not wake up in fifteen minutes then we need to take her to the hospital.


"Flynn? Oh baby boy come here."

"I'm so scared... I want mommy back."

"Mommy is downstairs silly." I chuckled

"I think Katy is my mommy too..."

"Of course she is... she will be back. She will wake up, I'm sure. High five!"

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