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Mikayla's POV

"MIKAYLA STORM,GET DOWN HERE BEFORE YOU'RE LATE!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I sat bolt upright in my bed and groaned,dragging my hands down my face.

"Mikayla!Wake up now or you're gonna be late!" My mom said,this time at my bedroom door.

"Okay!' I yelled back. I groggily walked to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I jumped into shower and took my time scrubbing myself before I dried myself and walked into my closet. I grabbed a grey tank,ripped jeans and my favorite leather jacket and dressed up quickly. I grabbed my phone and called my BFF,Jazzy Knight.

"Hey,J!How you doing?"

"Oye chica!Estoy bien!" She said,excitedly. {Hey girl! I'm fine!}

"So are you going to ride with us?"

"If it's not hard to pick us up,then yeah."

"What do you mean by us?"

" brother will be joining us as my mom doesn't want him to ride his bike on his first day. If it's too hard,we can just walk to school. Don't worry!"

"No,it's fine. You guys can ride with us as long as I don't have to talk to Blake.'

"I'll never understand why the both of you hate each other. You used to be so close when we were younger. Always fooling around and pranking each other."

"Yeah,well that was the past! I have to go now. Bye,J!"

"Chica,please don't be mad. Bye!" 

"It's ok." I sighed,remembering the good times we used to have before we drifted away.

I ended the call and grabbed my boots,sliding my feet in. I then grabbed my bag and phone before walking out of my room and headed to the kitchen. My parents and older brother were already eating their breakfast without me.

"You didn't wait for me?" I huffed,pouting at my family.

"Well,you were taking too long! I have a very impatient stomach." Reagan said.

I stuck my tongue out at him while my parents laughed and shook their heads.

"We've got to pick the Knight siblings up!"

"Ah,how's lil' J? Does she miss me?" Reagan asked,mouth full with pancakes.

"Eww,gross! Close your mouth! You can ask her that later." I said,cringing at his face.

"Reagan Storm,where are your manners mister?" My mom angrily scolded him.


"I'm done! Shall we go?" I asked,taking my plate to the sink.

"Okay,get your things. Bye Mom,Dad!" Reagan said walking out,completely forgetting to wash his plate.

"That mannerless boy!" My mom grumbled. "He gets it from you,Marco!"

"Why blame me,Sky?" My dad asked,looking at my mom with raised brows.

"Ask yourself that!" She said,taking the plates to the sink. 

I chuckled and shook my head at their antics. "Don't worry,Dad! Mom's just joking. I gotta go. Bye!" 

I kissed his cheek and hugged my mom before walking out to the garage where I saw Reagan leaning against his SUV. He was busy typing away on his phone that he didn't notice me walk in.

"Girlfriend? Why didn't you tell me? How long has it been? Does mom and dad know?"

He jumped and looked at me with wide eyes. "WHAT? NO!"

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