The Rescue

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Mikayla's POV

"We're here!" Blake stopped the moment Percy said that through our link. We parked at the end of the road and decided to continue on foot. We communicated through our link to avoid making any noise. Jazzy and Liana made a barrier around us,making us invisible and projecting images that suited the background.

"We should separate once we're there. It'll help to cover a bigger space."  Reece suggested as we weaved our way around the thick,green forest.

"Who the hell would want to live here? It's creepy." Evelyn grumbled.

"That's the idea. No one would think about someone living here. It's a safe hideout. Away from civilization and suspicion." Jazzy answered,holding up the barrier around us.

"We should but that's too dangerous. The chances of us getting caught will increase." I replied to Reece's suggestion.

"But that's the best way if we want to get them and leave immediately." Blake said and looked at me.

"Yeah,he's right. Why don't we separate with our partners and search the area?" Jaxon asked,causing the whole group to stop and look at him.

"What about us then?" Andrew asked and pointed at himself then to Reece,Percy,Evelyn,Harlene and Liana.

"You can pair up with your direct opposites. That way,the chances of any damage done to you will be minimal. Plus,you're powers react against each other,so the ones who'll get hurt is them." Jaxon suggested and they nodded,looking around for their direct opposites.

"Alright! I'm going in with Kayla from the left." Blake grabbed my hand,interlocking it with his and walked to the right side of the forest.

"Ten cuidado hermano." Jazzy whispered and walked off with Jaxon to the left while the others went in the direction we didn't. Blake suddenly stopped and I bumped into his back. I rubbed my forehead and glared at him but his eyes were locked on something else. {Be careful brother}

"What the hell? Why is there a warehouse in the middle of nowhere?"  My eyes widened,shifting to the huge,dark building that stood in front of us. Why does it always have to be a huge and dark building?

"Where are you guys? I only see trees and mud." Jaxon questioned but we were too busy staring at the building.

"Oye! Answer us!" Jazzy yelled through the link,sending sharp pains through our minds. {Hey!}

"Just follow our trail. I see movement in the building." Blake answered and cut off our connection.

"What the hell?" I whisper-yelled at him,tugging on his jacket sleeve.

"Shhh! I'm scared they might sense us." He answered and pulled me behind his back. We heard rustling and jumped,turning around with our hands out ready to blast them.

"Oye! It's just us. Don't kill us!" Jazzy held her hands in front of her face but Jaxon was faster,blocking her body with his. {Hey!}

Sorry! We saw movements. Where're the rest?" Blake looked around and they just shrugged their shoulders,looking around.

"Here!" We turned around to see Percy and Liana walking towards us.

"Th-" I was cut off by a ear-piercing scream. We dropped to the ground and huddled together. We switched to mind linking each other because the scream just became louder and louder.

"What the hell was that?" Evelyn asked. We shrugged and Jazzy put up an invisible barrier around us.

"Could it be them?" Liana looked at us with fear and concern written on her face.

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