Fire and Water

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Jazzy's POV

I woke up feeling like I'd been beaten by hundreds of people. I swung my legs off the bed and groaned when my head started aching sending sharp pains through my whole body.

"Jazzy Knight! What do you think you're doing?" Someone yelled when I tried to stand up but I failed and fell on my butt. I groaned in pain and tried again,this time holding the bed as support.

"What happened? Why do I fell like I've been beaten up by hundreds of people? Where's my brother?" I asked,my voice sounded hoarse and I coughed repeatedly once I stopped talking.

"Here,drink this. You should feel better. Do you not remember anything?" I recognised the woman as Ms.Kelly,our school's best nurse. I shook my head and gulped down the glass of water she gave me.

"Wait here! I'll go get your brother. Don't move!" She said and smiled before walking out. I just sat on the bed when another sharp pain went through my head. I groaned and held my head in my hands. I saw glimpses of what looked like a girl on fire and boy made out of water. They were standing across one another like they were getting ready to fight. The girl looked a bit like me and that freaked me out. I curled into myself when another sharp pain went through my head,this time it was more painful.

"J, are you okay? Hey! Why are you crying? Talk to me,J!" I felt hands on my cheek and I looked up at my brother.

"Make it stop! It hurts!" I cried out,throwing my arms around his neck. He hugged me and patted my back. The pain was unbearable.

"I'm sorry but do you remember anything? Please talk to me!" Blake begged,pulling away and looking me in the eyes. His blue eyes shone with pain and concern. I tried to search my brain for answers but all I got were the glimpses of the girl and boy. I shook my head and he just nodded.

"Can you walk? Do want a piggy-back ride?" 

"Of course! I think. You won't be able to carry me anyways." I gave him a small smile and tried to stand up straight. I wobbled but he caught me and placed his arm around me. 

"Yeah,you can walk." He sarcastically said and rolled his eyes. He wrapped his arm around my waist and started walking with me struggling to keep up.

"What's the time? Has school finished?" I asked,looking up at him.

"We've got 5 minutes left before school officially ends. You're homework is with Mikayla as she's staying with us for today."

"Crap! My stuff is still up on the roof. I left it there when-" I stopped when I suddenly got back my memory in flashes. It started with me walking away from Harlene to the roof then I was dancing to Fire then my brother walked in and we talked. He said something about not needing to give Mika attention and I lit up in purple flames. Then I saw myself freaking out and backing away from him but he grabbed me and that's when everything went black.

"Jazzy Knight! Can you hear me? Respondeme!" He yelled at me,waving his hands in my face. {Answer me!}

"What's wrong with you? Estás loco?" {Are you crazy?}

"What's wrong with me? You were the one spacing out! What did you see? Was it a memory?"

"Slow down! It was a memory but you know it because you were there! Did I hurt you? Will I get sent away? Am I a witch?" I asked,blinking back my tears that were about to drop.

"Hey! Look at me! That's not going to happen,alright? I'm not gonna let that happen! We'll figure something out once we've talked to dad. You'll be fine!"

"What if dad sends me away?"

"Well then I'm going wherever you're going! Let's grab your stuff and head home."

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