Meeting Up

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Jazzy's POV

I was so mad at Blake for treating me like a kid. I'm 17 and I haven't even lost my first kiss. How embarrassing? I leaned against the window and played my favourite song. It was Danger by BTS. Those boys were extremely talented but unfortunately I don't live in their country so I couldn't really meet them. Somehow,that song managed to make me feel sleepy.

"Oh,hey Mikayla! Didn't see you there." Blake said. What's with this two?

"Yeah,sure." Mika answered,probably rolling eyes.

Those were last thing I heard before I feel asleep against the window with Danger blasting in my ears. Not the best thing but I had to drown out everything else.

"Jazzy,wake up. Chica,can you hear me? We're here!" I felt someone slap my cheeks real hard and that's when I woke up,still groggy. {Girl}

"What? Why?" I mumbled,looking around and trying to figure out where I was.

"Oye,we're at school if you were wondering." I looked up to find Mikayla staring down at me. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my bag. I jumped out and tried to find my brother who was nowhere to be seen. 

"Where did he go?" I whispered to myself.

"Hey lil' J. You there?" Reagan waved his palm in front of my face,looking worriedly at me.

"Yeah,I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been spacing out,that's why."

"I just wasn't paying attention to you. Sorry!"

"Probably because you're blasting god knows what in your ear. Even I can hear it from here." He grabbed my earphones and pulled them out of my ear,roughly.

"Hey,that's my favourite song!" I yelled,trying to get it back but he held them above my head and pressed the home button on my phone.

"Who are these boys? I haven't seen them before. They look Asian." He said,looking at the title of the song and picture of the singers on my lockscreen.

"Oh,they must be the Korean boy band she has a thing for!" Mikayla said,smirking at me.

"I don't have a thing for them. I just like their songs and moves,that's all!" I said,glaring at her for giving me away.

"Why do they look like vampires?" Reagan asked,still staring at their picture then looked up at me.

"Hey! They look better than vampires! What are you? Blind?" I huffed out,crossing my arms and glaring at him. Mikayla bursted out laughing so loud,everyone turned to look.

"Everyone's looking Mika!" But she just ignored me.

"Vampires! He said they looked like vampires!" She said,still laughing and had her hands on her knees.

"Yeah,I know! You don't need to remind me." I angrily said,rolling my eyes at her.

"I swear they really do. They look like those guys from Twilight." Reagan said,after thinking a while. This time it was my turn to start laughing like a maniac. Mikayla has a thing for vampires especially those from Twilight.

"WHAT? They look better at being vampires!" She huffed,throwing her hands in the air.

"You girls have weird fascinations. They all look creepy." Reagan added,scrunching up his face and giving back my phone to me.

"My PHONE!" I yelled,clutching it to my heart.

"They don't look creepy. They're hot." Mikayla said stubbornly.

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