The Reunion

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Blake's POV

The week ran by really fast and now it's Friday. My baby sister didn't burn up again which I'm very thankful for because I don't think she'll stay sane if that happens. Jazzy has been distant since the day we talked to dad in the study and it's worrying me the most. My mom knew about the whole fire incident and apologized for not telling us earlier.

"Blake,you there?" Chase tapped my shoulder,looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah. What is it?" I asked him as I shook those disturbing thoughts out of my mind.

"Are we gonna meet up with the rest tomorrow? Why the sudden get together? Don't your parents know that we split off in middle school and haven't talked to each other since then?"

"I don't know why but my parents suddenly brought it up. It can't be that bad,right? Meeting after such a long time?" I felt like it had something to do with our condition,burning up in flames and all.

"Well,at least we still talk. The nerds stay away like we're the plague and the cheerleaders pick fights with your sister's group all the time." Jaxon said,looking up from his food. He came back three days ago after he managed to get Kylie in for school and made sure his grandmother knew her school and her schedule.

"You're right but the girls have been quite distant since middle school. Mikayla and Evelyn aren't really close to us anymore." Chase said,playing around with his salad.

"You can't expect them to talk to you when you suddenly stopped talking to them because of me. Plus,don't they both have a crush on you?" He smirked at us.

"Don't say that! You're a friend so it's our duty to help you and give you the attention when you need it. How do you know that?" I rolled my eyes at his statement. He sounds like my sister although they can't quite stand each other.

"It's not that hard to figure out. I've seen the way they act around you and I'm not that oblivious. I've seen them blush around you too and I've seen the way Jazzy looks at them when they're with us."

"Yeah but they're not into us anymore. After what we did,it's just a crush that'll disappear after awhile." Leon said looking around the cafeteria.

"It's funny to know that each us have a thing for the girls in our group." Harry chuckled and what he said made us laugh.

"Everyone except....Jaxon! Who's your girl?" Reece looked at Jaxon with raised brows,smirking. We all turned to him and waited for his answer.

"I've got my hands full with Kylie and my nonna. You think I've got time for a girlfriend?" He said with no feelings in his tone. {Grandmother}

"Every guy will have time for a girl. So,stop lying and tell us!" 

"Well,I don't have the time for a girl. Plus,I'll have one less problem without a girl." He shrugged. Our mouth hung open at his answer before we bursted out laughing which made him draw his brows together in confusion.

"Yeah right! You want us to believe that? You think we're dumb? Tell us who is she and we'll leave you alone." Chase said after catching his breath and looked at an annoyed Jaxon.

"Believe what you want to believe,guys. I'm outta here. See you at Blake's tomorrow." Jaxon rolled his eyes and walked away with his tray.

"Yup! He totally likes a girl." Reece said and shook his head.

"Who likes a girl?" A girl asked from behind me.

"Lil' J! How are you doing? Girls,nice seeing you again. You just missed Jaxon." Chase smiled at them. By them,I meant the whole group of girls that formed our big group.

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