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Mikayla's POV

"Mikayla." I heard someone call my name but all I saw was darkness. This is the second time I'm staring into the darkness.

"Honey. I know you can hear me. Please wake up." The voice was very familiar but I couldn't recognise it. The person sounded like he/she was crying. 

"Hello? Who're you?" I yelled but I got nothing back.

"Please wake up,cookie. For your dad. Please?" Dad? My dad is begging me to wake up. What's going on?

"Dad? What's going on?" I tried to move to look for a way out from this nightmare but I couldn't find anything. I needed to show him I was here. 

"Please,Mikayla. Please." I felt something warm on my forehead. I closed my eyes at the feeling it gave me. It reminded me of-WAIT! How did I get here? We were at the forest. The gang? Where are they?

"Dad? Are you there? Dad?" I tried to reopen my eyes but my lids felt heavy. My body started aching and my head was pounding painfully. A sudden bright light made me cringe away.

"You need to wake up,M!" A voice whispered. I'm trying!

"Who are you? What are you doing in my head?"

"I'm V but you wouldn't remember me. I'm here to help you. Please listen to my instructions carefully." She was right. Her name sounded familiar but I didn't know from where.

"V? Why-"

"It's for the best,M. Just listen to me. Close your eyes and open them only when I say so. Okay?" I had no choice,so I just nodded to no one in particular. 

"You aren't going to kill me,right?" I asked,closing my eyes. She just chuckled.


"V?" She hummed in response.

"Why did you say I wouldn't remember? Do you know about my friends? We were at this forest. Why don't I remember anything after that?" She sighed and I heard sadness in it.

"They'll explain it to you later and your memory of me will be wiped. It's for your safety."

"Who'll wipe it? Tell them I want them to leave it."

"I'll wipe it and no can do,M. It's for your safety."


"Open your eyes,M! It's time." I automatically opened my eyes and I was greeted by white blinding rays. I squinted to adjust to the sudden brightness and opened my eyes fully. I was in a white room and there were machines connected to my body. I was in a pale pink robe and I saw two people sitting on the chairs at the end of the room.

"Mom? Dad?" My voice came out in a whisper because my throat was dry and parched.

"Mikayla! Thank god you're awake." Mom rushed to my side,engulfing me in a bear hug. I groaned because my body started aching the moment mom's body made contact with mine.

"Skylar,you're hurting her." Dad pulled mom off me and I just smiled at them.

"Sorry baby. I'm just glad you're up." Mom wiped her tears that were falling down her cheeks.

"Can I have a glass of water,mom?"

"Oh,sorry. Yes,of course. I'll go get it." Mom walked out of the room,leaving dad and me alone.

"How are you feeling,cookie?" I gave him a small smile. He winked at me in response.

"I'm fine,dad. How's the gang?" His face dropped and became solemn.

"They're.....uhm..-" Mom walked in with a glass of water in her hand.

"Here you go." I took the glass and gulped down the water like I've never seen it before.

"Thanks,mom." I said and placed the glass on the table next to me.

"Skylar,she wants to know." Mom eyes widened and she looked at me before shaking her head at dad. They were my friends.

"I should know,mom. They're my friends." They sighed before nodding and sat down on both sides of my hospital bed.

"Honey,please don't be sad after what we tell you. You've been asleep for the past three weeks,so the funerals had already been done." I gasped,feeling tears prickle the back of my eyes.

"Funerals?" I choked out and they nodded,looking apologetically at me.

"Andrew,Chase,Evelyn,Harlene,Harry and Jeana didn't make it. The rest of you lost all your powers and connection with your other selves. Arista,Blake,Leon,Raven,Reece and you are the only ones that have woke up. Jazzy,Jaxon,Liana and Percy are still unconscious."

"Can I go see them? All of them?" I was shaking,trying to hold in all my tears.

"Yes,honey. Now,get some rest. Please don't cry." I nodded,laying back down on my bed. They kissed me on my forehead and walked out,turning off the lights. I turned and buried my face into the pillow,crying uncontrollably. Why does this have to happen?

Two Weeks Later

Today was the day we were being discharged from the hospital. Jazzy,Jaxon,Liana and Percy woke up from their unconscious state last week.

"FRESH AIR!" Jazzy yelled,spinning around the moment we stepped out of the hospital. She spinned a bit too much because she was stumbling around the moment she stopped.

"Guardalo,bambola." Jaxon caught her when she stumbled into him. Her cheeks became a light pink but he winked at her,so I assume he saw it too. {Watch it,doll.}

"Are you ready?" My mom yelled from our car.

"Yeah." Suddenly the mood around us dropped and the air became colder too. We made our way to our respective rides. Jazzy chose to ride with Jaxon in his grandmother's car.

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings just now." I just nodded and leaned my head on the window. I felt tears roll down my cheeks but I didn't wipe them off. I was grieving and I couldn't be bothered of what anyone thought. Why did it have to end like this?

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