On Fire

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Blake's POV

"Please be there! Please be there!" I kept chanting that as I climbed up to the roof to check if my baby sis was there. I reached the door but didn't open it as I heard a girl's voice singing in an unknown language. That's definitely my sister. I knew that song damn well because that's the only song I liked that wasn't in English and she was the one who introduced it to me. She's probably dancing to that song.

"I better get in there before she falls off the edge or something!" I whispered to myself after remembering that most of their choreo involved intense moves and jumps. I pushed the door and looked around when I couldn't find my sister.

"What do you want,Blake? Can't I be left alone for a while?" She was standing right behind me when she said that.

"God,you scared me! Why are you here? Do you know how dangerous it is to dance on the roof especially when most of the moves involves you jumping around?" I said after straightening myself and looked at her.

"I'm not dumb,hermano! I know where to stand so I don't accidentally fall." She rolled her eyes and walked away with her phone and earplugs in hand. {Brother}

"Hey,hold on! Where do you think you're going,missy? I came here looking for you,scared something happened but you're up here dancing around to a very dangerous choreography,might I add!" I followed her and started to list things down like my mom would do to me when I misbehaved.

"Blake,I'm capable of taking care of myself so you don't have to worry about me every time I'm not in your line of sight." She said and picked up her jacket that was on the ground before stuffing it in her bag.

"If you'll excuse me,I've to go and practice my moves for Fire." She smiled and walked past me.

"What's wrong? Why are you like this?" I turned around and looked at her who was getting ready to dance the moment the song came on.

"What do you mean? I'm always like this!" She looked up at me,confusion in her eyes and stood up straight completely ignoring her song that started blasting.

"You dance when you're stressed out or bored only! And you're clearly not bored because it's the first day of school and you're finally seeing your friends after three months. So,I'm going to ask you again. What's wrong?"

"Blake,I'm fine! I just need some time to myself and you don't have to worry about me!" She shrugged her shoulders and got into her position at the right end,dancing right away like I've seen her do multiple times before.

"That's it. Listen,I came here looking for you because I was worried and all I get is a simple 'you don't have to worry about me'! I'm your older brother for god's sake,it's my duty to worry about you day and night! Is that so hard to understand?" I yelled out,putting the song on pause making her stop. I glared at her when she looked at me.

"Like I said,I'm capable of taking care of myself. You can go to your fangirl group now! Just leave me alone!"

"I seriously can't believe you! You matter to me more than anyone else,even mom and dad! Why don't you believe me? I don't have fangirls and I don't care if I have them!"

"Because you don't act like that! You don't trust me to talk with any guy besides your friends and I haven't even had a boyfriend. Heck,I haven't even lost my first crush while you've already lost your first kiss. At the age of ten! Ten! Who loses their first kiss at that age anyway?" She said,throwing her hands up in the air and glared at me.

"You haven't lost your first kiss? I didn't know that! And it's not that I don't trust you,it's just that I find it difficult to believe you'll be safe hanging out with those guys. When did I lose my first kiss and how do you exactly know when I lost it?"

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