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Jazzy's POV

"Hey,kids! How was school? Have you eaten?" My mom yelled out the moment she stepped in the house.

"Hey mom! Where's dad?" I got up from my seat on the couch and hugged her,needing comfort from my mom.

"He's at the garage,attending a call from the office. I don't know why he doesn't just ignore them." Mom grumbled and walked into the living room,plopping down on the sofa.

"Hello,Mrs Knight! How was work at the hospital? Was it tiring and hectic as always?" Mika asked as she got up and smiled at my mom. My mom's a doctor while my dad works as a real estate agent that always travels to get and close deals.

"Mika honey,please call me Grace. I feel old,really old when you call me that." Mom said,pouting at Mika. I just shook my head and turned just as my dad walked in,looking worn out.

"Papá!" I yelled and ran up to him. His face lit up and opened up his arms. I grinned and hugged him tightly as he kissed my hair. {Dad!}

"How's my niñita? Was school okay?" He said,grinning down at me. I gave him a small smile and nodded,letting go of him. {Little girl}

"Where's your hermano?" Mom asked,grabbing her things and took my dad's briefcase before going up to their room.

"He was here awhile ago,arguing with Mika for the remote." I said,scratching my head as I looked around the living room.

"I'm here and she was the one that started it!" Blake said,walking down the stairs and smiled at my dad and hugged him when he reached the bottom

"Hijo! How was school? Did you get a girlfriend?" My dad asked Blake who glanced at Mika and smirked. Weirdo. {Son}

"Yeah! The thing is she's not into me but I'll make her mine by mid-year." He said,rather confidently. I got what he meant but Mika's face fell. She still likes him. So sweet.

"Querido Dios! Is that a question you ask our 18 year old son?" Mom said from the bottom of the stairs,shaking her head in disbelief. {Dear God}

"Amor,you were my girlfriend when I was 18! Why is it so wrong that I ask our son who's also 18 now?" Dad smirked at my mom who blushed and walked into the kitchen. There were the typical teen couple that got married the moment they settled down and managed to get a good job. {Love}

"Go help your mom,girls! I need to talk to Blake." We nodded and walked into the kitchen to help mom.

Blake's POV

"What is it,dad?" I looked at him,confused as to why he needed to talk to me alone.

"You still have feelings for her,don't you? Tell me honestly,from the bottom of your heart!" Dad asked me with narrowed eyes and a smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah...but I don't think she still likes me." I sighed because there's no winning against dad,especially when he knows something.

"Why do you say so?" 

"Remember when we had my tenth birthday and I invited the whole gang? I kinda stole her first kiss then." I scratched my neck and smiled,remembering those sweet memories.

"Hijo,how are you sure she doesn't still have feelings for you? Did you ask her?" {Son}

"No but Jaz told me that Mikayla hates me because I chose Jaxon over her." I answered sadly.

"Maybe she hates you because you stopped talking to her out of the blue?"

"Yeah,I know. How am I supposed to get her back when I made the world's worst mistake?" I growled out,pulling at my hair roughly.

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