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Jaxon's POV

It's been two weeks since the funeral and training has been intense. We'd train and train all day everyday. We're now in school,waiting for the first bell to ring so we can all get to class and start the boring day.

"Stai bene?" I turned to look at Jazzy who had concern written all over her face. I nodded and gave her a small smile. {Are you okay?}

"That's it! What the hell is wrong with the two of you?" Evelyn yelled,looking back and forth at us. Great! I've been trying to avoid showing my feelings for her but it's giving off an awkward impression.

"Nothing. What's wrong with you?" Jazzy rolled her eyes at her but everyone's eyes were on us now. 

"You've been acting awkward around each other lately. You've been spacing out also. So,something's wrong. Are you hiding something from us?" Blake questioned us like we were criminals. 

"Nosy much?" Blake eyes widened and he glared at his sister who didn't seem to be affected.

"I'm your bro-" He was cut off by Mikayla who placed her palm over his mouth. The girls snickered.

"ENOUGH! Just answer us,guys." Evelyn grumbled,rubbing her temple like a stressed out mother.

"What do you want to know? We're hiding nothing." I exclaimed,throwing my hands up in the air. Jazzy nodded and looked at the gang who gave us looks that said 'We don't believe you.'

"Why am I-" The bell rang,saving us from any more questioning. I stood up and grabbed my bag,waving at the gang before walking through the school's main doors.

"You left her behind,idiot!" Scar grumbled in my mind,shaking his head disappointedly.

"She can handle herself. Unless you want me to expose our secret?" He stayed silent and I walked to Math,thinking about confessing to her.

Mikayla's POV

"What is going on between you two?" I asked,watching Jazzy who was staring at Jaxon's fading figure.

"Nothing." She sighed and stood up,slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Are you secretly dating or something?" I have an idiotic boyfriend.

"WHAT? Why would you think that? He doesn't like me that way."

"How sure are you? Have you seen the way he looks at you?" 

"Excuse me! I'm standing right here!" Blake exclaimed and glared at me like as if I said something wrong.

"This is not going to work this way. BOYS! Get the brother in! NOW!" Evelyn yelled and pointed at the school's main doors.

"You heard her. Grab him and let's go. I don't want to get killed." Chase said and grabbed Blake's hood,pulling him with it while the boys grabbed his arms and bag. They blocked his escape from every end.

"You're going to get punished for this!" His voice rang in my mind.

"What the hell did I do?" But I didn't get a response. I shook my head and payed attention to the girls.

"Okay! Answer us truthfully now." Liana said and we nodded but Jazzy just rolled her eyes.

"We're going to be late for class. I don't want to get detention because of some stupid questioning about a stupid topic." Jazzy walked to the main doors and we just stood there like statues.

"These two!" I grumbled and grabbed my bag.

"Let's go!" We followed Arista to the main doors before separating to get to our respective classes. I'll figure out what's happening between those two.

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