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Jaxon's POV

"Jaz? We're here! Wake up!" I slowly moved to face the girl who was lying still on my back. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep and I felt bad for disturbing but I had no choice.

"Yes,you do! Just carry her. What's so hard?" Scar grumbled,stating the obvious.

"She'd probably kill me if I did that." I rolled my eyes and went to poke her when my finger passed through her body.

"Don't make me do it again! Carry her,Jax."

"How'd you-"

"Just carry her and I'll tell you later." He deadpanned and went back.

"Bossy much?" I grumbled,slowly getting off my bike to carry her. She almost fell off but I managed to catch her,swiftly swooping her into my arms. She squirmed before she placed her head on my chest,going back to sleep causing me to smile at her. I walked up to my door when it suddenly flung open,revealing my sister and nonna who were looking at me with wide eyes.

"Who is she,figlio?" Nonna narrowed her eyes at me then looked down at Jazzy then back up to me. I chuckled and shook my head at her reaction. {son}

"Lei è mia amica." I said and walked in when my sister moved from the door. She was still staring at Jazzy like she was an alien. Hasn't she seen another female before? {She's my friend.}

"Maybe because you've never brought one home! Of course they're shocked to see one in your arms." Scar said and rolled his eyes at me.

"Lei sa di te?" Nonna asked after she locked the door. I adjusted Jazzy in my arms and looked at my nonna who had her arms crossed. {She knows about you?}

"Nonna,let me put her in bed first. I'll explain later." I begged and she just nodded,walking into the living room. Kylie was still standing like a statue in the middle of the room.

"Kylie! Get in here please." Nonna yelled from the living room. She blinked and ran to my noona.

"Where are you going to put her? We don't have a guest bedroom." Scar asked with a blank look on his face.

"Dummy,she'll sleep in my room. I'll take the couch." I climbed up to my room and quantum travelled through my door because I couldn't open the door as I had her in my arms.

"Someone's being a gentleman." He chuckled and winked at me. Weirdo.

"She's a guest. Plus,she'd freak out if we had to share the bed." I placed her on the bed and pulled up my blanket,placing it over her body. She looked so tiny on my queen sized bed. She really did change from when she was younger.

"Last you saw her was when you were 11. She's 17 now and it's been a good seven years."

"I know that. It just makes me sad that I can't have her." I sighed and walked out,slowly closing the door.

"Why not? Ask her out as your date to the Valentine's Dance. Don't tell me she's your best friend's sister and all that crap because if you don't,I will!" He warned,glaring at me.

"Fine! But I'll ask Blake first." I blocked him off as I reached the living room where I saw my sister watching some drama that I didn't understand because it wasn't in English and nonna plaiting Kylie's hair.

"Nonna,we need to talk privately." I said and looked at Kylie apologetically. She was only six so I didn't want to worry her. She pouted and went up to her room.

"Che cosa è,il figlio?" She looked at me worriedly but I just shook my head and sat down next to her. I laid down on her lap and closed my eyes,feeling her play with my hair like she did when I was younger. {What is it,son?}

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