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Mikayla's POV

"That was great everyone! I'll announce the chosen players for the basketball team now. So,please listen carefully!" Our coach, Ms.Lisa decided that she'd hold tryouts for the netball team today in gym. We had to go up against the boys because the school thought it would make the girls try harder and win more competitions. It was harder because basketball and netball are played differently.

"The chosen girls will train with the boys because the school wants us to be as tough as the boys. Even though,we win most of the competitions and they don't win as much as us." Ms.Lisa grumbled and glared at the boys at the other end of the court.

"Ms.Lisa,calm down! We'll beat them at their own game. We've always done that. What's going to be different now?" Louise asked,smiling proudly and we cheered loudly gaining the boys' attention.

"Alright! Settle down,I'm going to announce the players." We sat there waiting for the results and the air grew thicker with tension. Jazzy wasn't paying any attention ever since the world war she had with Jaxon. It's a surprise she did well in tryouts.

"I'm so nervous! What if we expose ourselves during training?" Evelyn whispered,chewing on her nails.

"Gross! Will you think positively? You're not helping me!" I glared at her and turned back to our coach.

"For defense,we have Evelyn and Louise. For attack, it's Janice and Selene. Our star players,Jazzy and Mikayla will remain in their positions as the shooter and keeper. Allison will be the centre. The rest of you will train as substitutes for each position,got it?"

"Is there any chance that we'd get to play as the main team? It's always the same girls every year!" Natalie asked and glared at us. 

"You're the type that'd scream when the ball comes anywhere near you. Why would you want to be on the main team?" Louise smirked when Natalie's eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"Girls! Please stop it! Training starts tomorrow after school at 1400 hours. Don't be late! You're dismissed." As she said that,the bell rang and the sounds of students rushing through the hallways was heard.

"Stampede! Should we go later?" Evelyn said and looked around for someone.

"Looking for Chase?" I smirked but it faded when I saw her worried face.

"Where in the name of God is Jazzy Knight?" She yelled and walked out the gym.

"Evs! Wait!" What's with her and running? I jogged out and found her talking to the boys in front of the changing rooms.

"Where did she go? What's with her and worrying us?" Blake grumbled,pulling his brown locks.

"She's probably in detention. Open up your telepathy and ask everyone." I said and waited for his answer.

"They haven't seen her and I can't reach Jax. That two have issues and the girls will be here in five minutes."

"What are you still doing here? Do you have detention?" Crap! It's the headmaster. We turned around and he was standing behind us,tapping his feet impatiently.

"We were looking for my sister." Blake answered and stepped in front of us. He was now in between the headmaster and us. Does he have a death wish?

"She and Mr.Steele are already in detention. Now,it's either you go back home or go to detention! Your choice." He stood there,smirking evilly.

"I really want to murder him!" Blake said through the telepathy connection causing me to jump because it was unexpected.

"Let's just go home! They can take care of themselves." Leon advised and cut off the connection.

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