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Mikayla's POV

"Kids,you can take a break. Has anyone one of you contacted Jazzy or Jaxon through the link?" Mr.Grey asked,poking his head through the training room door. We were all sweaty and tired from trainings and workouts but those two were still in detention. Although,it's already been two hours and we're starting to get worried.

"YES! THANKS DAD!" Chase yelled and fell flat on the mat where we train. We sighed and dropped to the ground,massaging our sore muscles.

"Kids,the answer to my question?" Mr.Chase asked again,shaking his head at our reaction to his statement earlier. He wouldn't know the pain of training every single day with intense workouts before and a jerk for a partner.

"None of us could. They've blocked the link and it's already more than two hours! What if something happened?" Evelyn asked and looked at Mr.Chase with wide eyes.

"Don't worry! I'm sure they're just hanging around-"

"Why would they be hanging around? They despise each other and can't stand each other's presence if they're in the same room." Blake grumbled,massaging his muscles while talking.

"Blake,stop being an overprotective brother for a while! I'm sure they're not doing anything bad. Leave them be." Arista chuckled and shook her head.

"I'm her brother! I'm meant to be worrying about everyday and all day."

"You know she hates it,right? She's 17. Let's see what they've to say when they get back. Then,you can go all overprotective brother on them." Chase chuckled and we laughed.

"Kids,dinner will be ready in 15. So,be punctual unless you want a lecture from Grace." Mr.Grey winked at us before closing the door.

"We're teenagers and they still insist on calling us kids." I mumbled,stretching my arms and legs.

"I don't think it'll ever stop but it's nice to have parents to call you that." Leon said and looked away sadly. What's that supposed to mean?

"Don't your parents call you that? Why the sudden sadness?" I asked,worry lacing my voice.

"It's not me. It's-"

"Guys! Let's go before mom starts lecturing us for being late." Blake yelled and stood up,glaring at the Leon who had wide eyes. The boys followed suit and dragged a pale Leon out of the training room. That's odd!

"What in the name of shoes was that all about?" Evelyn asked,scratching her head. We laughed at her choice of words.

"I think they're keeping something from us." Liana said and stood up.

"It's weird that we haven't seen Jaxon's parents here. They're never here when there's meetings and trainings. Do you think they know about this matter?" Harlene asked,pulling her hair out of her ponytail.

"Maybe they're just busy?" Raven offered,walking to her bag at the end of the room.

"Too busy to train their son and his friends?" Jeana asked this time with raised brows.

"It's their business. Let's stay out of it and get upstairs. I'm starving!" Evelyn groaned,holding her stomach.

"Let's go! I'm hungry too!" Raven fist bumped the air,grinning like a maniac.

"Don't you cheerleaders need to starve yourself to maintain your size?" Arista asked the cheerleaders who froze and looked at each other.

"We've quit the squad a week ago. We just kept it from you." They said in sync and looked down.

"Why did you do that?" I asked and looked at them in confusion.

"We joined just so that we could take on a different image. You know,the classic high school meanies." They shrugged and we looked at them in shock before we all started laughing like maniacs.

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