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Jazzy's POV

It's been three days since the death of my parents. The funeral's today and we're going to church now. The Storms have asked the school for permission to let us come in a little late. I'm sitting on his Jax's bed with my legs pulled to my chest and arms wrapped around them,resting my face on my knees.

"You should be getting ready,J." Red mumbled,trying to comfort me by raising my temperature. Ever since they passed,I've been letting coldness take over my body by taking the form of an iced girl.

"I'm not ready to accept the fact that they're gone. I can't and won't ever be ready. Why did it have to be my parents? What did they do?" My mind voice cracked at the end of my sentence but I refused to cry. I've cried enough and I need to keep some sadness for my revenge.

"I know it's hard,J. You've got to cry and let it all out. It's the best way to move on from this." She advised,losing control of my body because I morphed back into the iced girl. She controlled heat and she couldn't do anything because I had control of my body,giving in to the cold.

"What if I don't want to move on? I need to keep it in me for my revenge! I need them dead for what they did to my parents. My parents didn't deserve it!" I growled out,feeling tears prickle the back of my eyes.

"J,your parents would want you to move on and live your life. They wouldn't want their little girl to go on a killing spree,trying to kill for revenge. Wouldn't they be disappointed?"

"They would but they aren't here anymore! They've left me all alone. I can't even control my powers and they've left me. Us!" I whined,sounding pathetic. I knew I was stronger than this but I've just lost my parents.

"If you're being like this,think about Kylie. She didn't get to see her parents at all. She grew up knowing her brother and nonna only. She was a baby when they passed. Jaxon had to take responsibility of his baby sister at such a young age. You're not pathetic because you're human and you're hurt."

"I know that. I just.....I want to let it all out here and not show anything to the gang or my brother. I want them to think I'm fine."

"You know that facade will never work on them,right? Especially Jaxon Steele,your little crush." She smirked and wiggled her brows. I felt my cheeks heat up and heartbeat pick up.

"I don't have a-" I was cut off by the door slamming open. Jaxon stood there with a towel on his head,wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. My eyes widened and my cheeks burned. Why God?

"Ti piace quello che vedi?" I snapped out of my reverie and looked up at his eyes. They held a mischievous glint while mine held embarrassment. He knew! {Do you like what you see?}

"W-What a-ar-re y-yo-u t-ta-al-lking a-ab-bo-out? I stuttered,making it obvious I had been staring at his perfectly sculpted body. I blushed harder,probably looking like a tomato. A really red one.

"Non si preoccupi! Tu non sei la prima." He shrugged and winked at me,walking over to his drawer. Something snapped in me when he said that. Someone else has seen him like this? {Don't worry! You're not the first.}

"How I want to kill that girl?" Red flamed up causing my hair to flame up too. What's wrong with her? He's not even ours!

"Geloso,bambola? Sembri carina quando sei gelosa." He turned around with a smirk on his face,putting on a black V-neck. His muscles could clearly be seen through his shirt and it wasn't doing me any good. I quickly averted my eyes but he had already caught me staring and most probably,drooling over his body. {Jealous, doll? You look cute when you're jealous.}

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