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Blake's POV

"Where the hell are they? They've got 10 minutes before school starts." I threw my hands up,looking at the entrance of the school for any sign of my sister and best friend. We were hanging at the lockers,waiting for them.

"Can you please be patient? They'll be here. You're acting like they might get kidnapped or something." Chase said and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"CHASE! DON'T SAY STUFF LIKE THAT!" The girls who were previously talking about the dance,yelled. I glared at him and prayed that they'd make it here safely.

"Guys,are you going for the dance this Saturday?" Harlene asked,looking at the boys who in turn looked at me.

"Don't look at me. She asked you and I'm busy looking out-" I was cut off by the loud banging of the main door. My sister ran in,looking behind every now and then.

"H-H-Hey!" She said when she reached us. She was panting but managed to flash us her signature grin.

"Why were you running?" Mikayla asked and walked over to her. They hugged each other but she didn't even acknowledge me. Some sort of a sister.

"I insulted Ja-" The door banged open again. But this time,Jaxon stood there with a very angry face. What did she say?

"JAZZY KNIGHT! GET BACK HERE,BAMBOLA!" He yelled and walked towards us,like a predator stalking its prey. They're back at it again. {DOLL}

"I'll explain later! Gotta run!" She yelped when he raced after her but he didn't get far because Leon grabbed his collar.

"Alright! Explanations?" Leon said,still gripping onto his collar.

"Più tardi! Tengo que atraparla primero." He looked at Leon with a pout. I rolled my eyes and walked to stand in front of him. {Later! I've to catch her first.}

"Just tell us what she told you." The gang nodded and he sighed,dropping his head. Was it that bad?

"We're not getting any younger here,lover boy. Chop chop!" Raven pushed,checking the time on her phone screen.

"She called me an old man that didn't know how to have fun because I didn't ride at full speed. Happy?" He mumbled and glanced over at us. I smirked and nodded.

"That does sound like something she would say. You're free." Leon let go of his collar and he ran off,trying to find for my sister.

"We should head to our classes now. We've got-" The bell rang,cutting off Arista's words.

"Math?" Jeana yelled and Mikayla,Andrew,Evelyn and Percy raised their hands,following her to that class.

"We've got English. Bye!" The remaining girls waved and walked off in the other direction.

"Great! I've got science." I grumbled and adjusted my bag on my shoulder.

"Sucks to be you!" The boys chuckled and walked off to their own classes. I made my way to the science laboratory at the other end of the building.

Mikayla's POV

"So,how was crashing with the bad boy?" Evelyn asked,wiggling her brows at me. 

"There's no way I'm listening to this." Andrew yelled and speed walked ahead of us.

"I'm out!" Percy followed,slinging his arm over Andrew's shoulder when he got close.

"He slept in Reagan's room. Nothing happened." I shrugged and the girls just rolled their eyes.

"Andrew asked me out yesterday night." Jeana mumbled causing us to stop walking.

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