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Mikayla's POV

We were at the hospital,waiting for the doctors to release the Knights. I was hugging Blake who was crying on my shoulder. I tried to comfort him but he said he needed to let it all out,so I stopped and let him cry on me. I was sad but I didn't cry because I had to hold it together for him.

"Are you okay,babe?" Blake choked out and looked up from my shoulder. I wiped his tear that was about to fall off with my finger and gave him a small smile.

"The question is,are you okay?" He shook his head and pulled me closer. I was practically on his lap but I didn't mind because I felt safe in his embrace. He placed his head on my shoulder and kissed the part that was exposed.

"I'm not. I don't know what to do now. I've got a sister to take care of and I'm not good at it. Not one bit." He mumbled into my hair,burying his face in it.

"Hey,look at me! You're going to do just fine,okay? She's 17 and she has Jax to watch over her. Don't try and destroy that because of your overprotectiveness. She's old enough to have a boyfriend." I turned around in his arms and made him look at me by cupping his face.

"What do you mean? They're together?" His eyes widened. He glanced over at the pair who was sitting across from us. Jax held a sleeping Jaz in his arms. I think he was asleep because his eyes were closed and his head was on hers. I smiled and turned around to see my boyfriend glaring daggers at them.

"Hey! Don't do that! She has the right to date after you asked me out." I slapped his cheek lightly but that was enough to get his attention. He pouted and rubbed his slightly red cheek. Oops?

"I'm your boyfriend! How dare you hit me?" He whisper-shouted and glared at me,pulling me impossibly close to his body. Oh God!

"You're being a drama queen. It wasn't that hard." I moved my head away when I realised that if I tilted it up,even a bit,I'd be kissing him.

"Let's see who's the drama queen after I kiss you senseless." His glare became a mischievous look and his sneer became a smirk.

"You're parents are in there and the whole gang is here! There's no way I'm letting you do that!" I whisper-yelled causing him to chuckle. I slapped his shoulder when he didn't stop.

"My parents knew about my feelings for you. They'd be happy if I brought you over as a girlfriend and not my sister's friend." He sighed and placed his head on my shoulder.

"The Knights' family?" The doctor asked,looking around the room as he entered. Blake stood up,dropping me from his lap as he did so.

"That'd be me and my sister."

"Okay,you can see them if you want. One adult is allowed to follow you." The doctor said and left the room.

"Should I wake her up?" Jaxon asked,looking down at Jazzy who was still sleeping on his lap.

"No. Let us go in first." Blake replied and looked at me. I walked to him and intertwined our fingers.

"Are you together?" Mom asked,looking at our hands. I nodded and she grinned widely. The others grinned too except my dad who was frowning at our hands.

"Ma,we'll talk later. I've to go." She nodded and we walked out to the Knights' room. We stopped right in front of their door.

"I'm scared,Kayla." He looked at me like a little kid who'd look to his mother for comfort.

"If you don't want to go in,we can wait a while." I offered,giving him a small smile.

"Let's go in now. I might not be able to do it after I wait." He took a deep breath and I squeezed his hand reassuringly. He placed his other hand on the knob and twisted it. He walked in first and I followed.

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