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Willow kicked off her heels and sat down on the couch, tired from her job. She grabbed the TV remote and started flipping through channels to see what was on. Not finding anything she really wanted to watch, she settled for ESPN. Turns out, a NFL game was on. The New York Giants vs the Washington Redskins.

"Hmph," Willow thought. "At least I get to see Odell's fine self," Willow mumbled while going into the kitchen, looking for a game snack. She came back to see an outraged Odell stomping up the sidelines.

"Jesus Christ," Willow said sitting down and grabbing her phone. She checked most of her social media accounts, but had to think about looking through Snapchat. Willow didn't hate the app, but sometimes got bored of it. She really wouldn't have it if her friends and family weren't on there. She decided against it and returned her attention back to the TV. Willow stuffed barbecue chips in her mouth while watching the matchup between Odell and Josh. She remembered last year whenever Josh Norman and Odell got into it. Willow prayed that he could hold his composure for the sake of the game. So far, not good. The Giants turned it over once again they switched to a camera to Odell swinging his helmet at the kicker's net. Willow bursted out laughing when the net swung back.

"This nigga hit the net and it hit him back!" Willow yelled, almost falling off the couch in laughter. She wiped a tear from her eye and saw that they also lost the game too.

"Not only did they lose, but this nigga started crying too," Willow shook her head and got up to grab her computer. She started going through her emails, looking at deals and work opportunities. She came across the job that Candace mentioned earlier about the kids in New Jersey.

Dear Miss Wilson, the email read. Our kids here at East Side High are big dreamers and we really want to help them reach their dreams. Our school is on the rough side of a neighborhood and problems such as drugs, gangs, and violence are common ground. Some of the kids' parents don't even care about their kid as much as we do. We would really appreciate your time and help for these kids. Willow sighed as she looked over the email. The staff also sent photos of the students in the program. She examined every picture, but one photo stood out the most. Her name read Azalea. Azalea was a 7 year old who was abandoned by her parents. She currently lived with her aunt, but her aunt didn't want Azalea either. What shocked Willow the most was Azalea's positivity towards everything. Her teacher wrote that even if Azalea didn't have any money for food at lunch, she would turn the whole situation around into something positive. Azalea was definitely a beautiful child. Blessed with good hair, her dark chocolate skin glowed with her deep, dark brown eyes. Azalea's eyes were something you could get lost in. Willow furrowed her brows when she came across the photos that showed bruises and cuts on Azalea's back. Her counselor said she wears a jacket every single day and will not let you take it off of her. Even if its 95 degrees outside. Azalea's positivity couldn't outshine the reality that was on her back.

"New Jersey it is." Willow mumbled, studying the rest of the kids' portfolios.

Odell walked in the locker room highly pissed in himself. His mother had warned him about Josh and he still let him inside his head.

"Fuck!" He chucked his helmet at a chair. A slam of a door caused everyone to snap their necks forward.

"Everyone. Sit. The. Fuck. Down. Now." Coach Coughlin commanded. The players sluggishly sat down with their heads down.

"Now, I don't what team that was on the field, but I betta' not see that shit ever again out of you. Especially you Beckham." Coach Coughlin pointed at Odell. Odell's head shot up at his words.

"Me?!" He speeded up out his seat. Victor, one of Odell's teammates, held him back from doing anything stupid he'll regret.

"Yeah you Odell! We specifically sat you down and talked to you about him! And you still fucked up!" Coach Coughlin preached. Not being able to take anymore, Odell walked out. Coach Coughlin sighed and shook his head and continued to talk to the team.

"Okay so we got that out the way, as a team we still got to execute on defense and offense. We can't worry about those two dumbasses." He pointed towards the door. Some of the players started peeling off their gear.

"If you notice Odell starts to act like that, grab him, grab his ear, grab his hair for all I care. Put him in check. I don't care if you have to get physical, get his head out of the opponent's ass and make him focus on the game. Alright, you guys can go. Practice this weekend." Coach finally walked out and saw Odell on the ground counting.

"Hey kid," He called out. Odell lifted his head at the voice.

"Don't beat yourself up over it. Learn from it, and get better at handling it. Practice this weekend." Odell kept his eye on his coach after he walked off towards his office. Odell started taking off his pads and heading into the room. Eyes from all around the room landed on him as he hung his pads up.

"Look," Odell said, grabbing everyone's attention. "I'm sorry for my actions. I really tried to control my emotions and I didn't mean to take it out on you if I did." Odell turned back around to continue putting stuff in his duffel bag. Out of nowhere, the whole room erupted in laughter. Odell frowned and realized that they were laughing at him.

"Yo, when you hit the kicker's net is when I lost it. I was like, this nigga swingin' on nets and shit!" Sterling joked and everyone laughed again. Odell scoffed and shook his head.

"Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes and began to walk out of the locker room. "Hey man," Victor called out to him.

"Yeah wassup?" Odell stopped and asked.

"We got yo back fam. We not gon' let Josh be up on you like that." Odell smiled and nodded his head at the support. He pulled his hat tighter as he walked to his car. After putting everything in the car, Odell sat in silence for just a moment.

"Damn it, O." He said to himself. Odell pulled his phone out and scrolled through his contacts. He chose a contact and dialed the number.

"Yes Daddy?" A sultry voice asked on the other end.

"Yeah ma, I need you to come through tonight. I really need it," He sighed.

"Alright. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. See you then." Odell started his car and drove to his place.

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