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A week Later.

     Willow jerked up when she felt the plane shift a little. She's flown many times before, but turbulence was always there to shake things up. Wiping her eyes, Willow gazed over out the window and saw the highways and buildings in the distance. She subconsciously smiled, loving the feel of overlooking cities. The pilot announced that they would be landing in New York in 10 minutes. Willow made sure she had all her belongings in place and tightened her seat belt.

     "Afraid you're gonna fly out of your seat?" A guy beside her asked. She hadn't noticed him before because the minute she sat in her seat, it was instant sleep. Willow picked her head up and peeped the pearly whites that almost blinded her eyes. He had a low cut going, the waves swimming at their own pace, with adjoined smooth deep chocolate skin to make him even more attractive. She could see his mouth moving, but didn't register anything he said.

     "Hello? Earth to beautiful girl in front of me?" He waved his hand in her face. She blinked a bit, and blushed.

     "Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say again?" Willow asked. He chuckled and looked down at his fingers.

     "I said, are you afraid you're gonna fly out of your seat?" Willow furrowed her brows, and then it hit her.

     "Oh!" She giggled, realizing he was talking about her seat belt. "Well, not exactly but it never hurts to be sure." He showcased that blinding smile again causing her insides to melt. Willow didn't even noticed the plane had already landed until she heard the overhead bins closing. She turned to point out the window.

     "Seems like no reason for me to fly out of it now." Willow joked. He snorted a little, making her laugh loudly. He calmed down and took a moment to admire her features. The man had to admit, her smile is what captivated him to most. Willow noticed his lingering stare and immediately diverted her eyes down. She could see people moving to the front of the plane in her perhiperal vision.

     "Uh, I think its time to get off." He snapped out of the gaze and turned to meet people shuffling off the plane.

     "Oh uh, sorry about that." He apologized as they both took off their seatbelt. "Got caught up in yo' sexy ass." He mumbled that last part to himself. Willow smirked, clearly hearing the remark. After getting off the plane, Willow's phone buzzed in her coat pocket. She took it out to see Candace calling. 
"Hey boo, how ya doing?" Willow walked over to a seating area and set her purse on the seat. She began to dig through it for the spare cash she took out of her account. Keeping cash on you all time was a no-no, something she learned from her grandmother.

     "I'm doing great, honey bunches. Just trying to get out of the cold." Willow responded. A tap on her shoulder caused the pepper spray to make a sudden appearance in the man's face. His hands shot up in defense before his eyes were set on fire.

     "Woah woah, I'm sorry!" Willow held the spray inches from his face. She let out a breath, picking up her phone from the floor.

     "Hey Will?! Are you okay?" Candace panicked.

     "Yeah yeah, sorry this guy I met on the plane scared me for a moment." He mouthed a 'I'm really sorry' to her and she gave him a look.

     "Hand him the phone so I can cuss his ass out. What the fuck, is he a stalker or something?" Willow chuckled and sat down.

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