New Beginnings

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Willow's eyes flickered open after hearing a loud beeping noise piercing her eardrums. This time in her vision, she saw a beige colored room. Attempting to lean up, she was restricted by clear tubes going out from her body. Willow turned her head to the left to see a machine dangling what seemed a bag of blood. Her eyebrows rose when she realized she was in a hospital bed.

"Willow?" She whipped her head around at the voice. It was Zoya who had called her name and she weakly smiled. She went to open her mouth, but nothing came out.

"Hey hey, its okay. You don't have to speak. Blink one time if you are happy or blink two times if you are distressed." Willow playfully blinked once and Zoya smiled.

"That's my girl. Are you hurting or anything?" She tried speaking again, but still nothing would come out.

"Okay, well blink once if you're not hurting and blink twice if you are." Willow lowered her eyes, then looked back at Zoya. She blinked once.

"That's really good to hear Willow. As long as you are okay you don't have to speak." A doctor stepped inside of Willow's room and walked up to her bed.

"Hello Miss Wilson, my name is Mr. Deng and I will be your doctor for today. How are you feeling?" Willow stared up at the man and blinked once.

"Oh! Well apparently she can't talk so I told her to blink once if she wasn't hurting or anything." Zoya chimed in. Mr. Deng smiled and nodded. He scribbled something on his clipboard before coming up with an alternative for her to talk somehow.

"Hold on one second please?" Zoya nodded and Mr. Deng stepped out of the room. He came back shortly with a dry erase board with a marker. Willow smiled and took the marker into her left hand, holding the board in her right.

"Ah, a natural lefty we got here!" She proudly shook her head yes.

"Okay Miss Wilson, do you know where you are as of right now?" Willow wrote on the board, in a hospital? Mr. Deng nodded and checked off something.

"Do you know the reason why you are in the hospital?" She furrowed her brows and bit lightly onto her bottom lip. Coming up with nothing, she shook her head.

"Well Miss Wilson, you are here because you attempted suicide in your hotel bathroom." Willow's eyes widened and she quickly wrote something down.

why did i do that?

"I don't know the real reason why you did it, but I could tell you how you did it." She turned her confused expression towards Zoya. She grabbed Willow's hand and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Are you sure you would like to know?" She slowly nodded and Mr. Deng sighed.

"Well, when the paramedics went to your hotel room, they found you unconsciously submerged underneath a tub of water. It seemed as if you were drowning yourself. Luckily, the EMTs saved you and got you here in time to drain all the water out of your body. After we finished with that, you also had a seizure." Willow covered her mouth when Odell come up from behind Zoya. She slipped her hand from Zoya's and wrote something on her board.

did i really do all of that?

"Yes, you did all of that. But again, I don't know your true reason for everything. Maybe you could explain it to your psychiatrist." Mr. Deng suggested. Willow contorted her face and looked at Zoya.

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