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Willow had only 4 days until she had to go to court. She has all the evidence you could think of stacked in a neat corner, and was still stressing herself to find more. The flu was slowly going away because of the medicine, but Willow was now eating a lot more. She was munching on a Kit Kat bar when she knocked on Naira's door.

"Oh Willie! I haven't seen you in soooo long," Naira greeted while giving her a hug. "You've been skipping on our meetings lately....you hiding something from us?"

Willow giggled and nodded. "Oh yes, I just have to spill some tea." Naira chuckled and led her to the living room where the rest of the girls were.

"Hey my not-so innocent Willow," Zoya mentioned, making Willow side-eye her.

"Mhm, hello to you too Zoya." They both chuckled and hugged each other. Once Willow sat down and got comfortable, all the ladies' eyes were on her.

"What?" She mumbled, finished up her candy.

"You've missed the last 2 weeks hun, catch us up." Olivia said, wiggling her eyebrows. The other girls nodded their heads and leaned forward.

Willow giggled and shook her head. "Saving the best for last, sistas!" The room erupted in groans while she just smirked at them.

"Beside, Naira I wanna know when is the wedding happening?" Naira perked up and they turned the attention to her.

"Well," she started, clapping her hands together. "The wedding is gonna be on June 19!"

"Darn it, only a month after my birthday." Willow mentions.

"Ooh, have you picked out the color scheme yet?!" Reese asked.

Naira places a hand to her head and sighs, "Girl, I haven't even picked out a place yet." Reese laughs and everyone joins her.

"Naira, I am so happy for you and Newton and I have some good news to share of my own." Zoya stood up and walked in front of Willow.

"What? What is it?" Zoya grinned, grabbing Willow's hand to place it on her stomach.

Willow's eyes lit up while she and the other girls squealed. "Oh my gosh! When did you know?!" They quickly calmed down, waiting on her answer.

"I went to the doctor because I was having symptoms and they confirmed it with an ultrasound. I'm already a month in." Zoya explained.

"I'm just so," Willow stopped, getting choked up on her tears. "So happy for you and Terrance and I hope it's a boy so I can spoil him!"

"Aww, thank you Willow. And thank you too girls!" They came together for a group hug. When they sat back down, Naira kept her eye on Willow.

"Willow honey, you alright? I ain't never seen you cry this much," She pointed out. Willow scoffed and wiped the tears from her face.

"One of my girls is having a baby, how can I not be emotional." Olivia chuckled, but caught on to what Naira was trying to get it.

"Yeah, But Willow, is there something you're not telling us?"

Willow frowned and looked up to the ceiling just to see if she did forget anything. "Uh, no not ex— oh I know what you guys are trying to get at. I know the lil games y'all play," Naira and Olivia snickered at her.

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