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"Thank you so much Odell." Willow thanked him through FaceTime. He met up with the guy and brought Azalea to his home.

"No problem baby, I know she means a lot to you. Plus, she's kinda grown on me." She chuckled and rubbed her forehead.

"Yeah, she looks up to you too. Did she tell you anything when you picked her up?"

"She first asked where you were and I explained that you were on a business trip and would be back." Willow nodded and closed her eyes. "She had bruises all over her Willow." Her eyes shot open.

"Did they look really bad?" Odell sighed and rubbed his neck, nodding.

"Yeah, they were dark and purple, even against her chocolate skin." Willow groaned and felt the tears coming.

"Did she uh, ever tell you why she was trying to leave?"

"Well, it looked pretty explanatory but the only thing she kept saying was please don't make her go back." Willow's heart went out for Azalea, but she knew the war was just getting started. Her Aunt was already defensive and abrasive about her going with Willow, but if she finds out what Azalea is doing or even where she's at, there would be hell to pay. Willow had to think quick and smart since everything was happening so fast.

"What is she doing now?"

"She was dosing on and off to sleep so I tucked her into one of my guest rooms." He responded, twirling a blonde curl.

"Okay, I want you to do something for me." A headache hit Willow hard, causing her to cringe. "When you get the chance, take a picture of those bruises and send them to me."

"I'll do that but Imma need you do something for me." Odell requested. She's been making him worried all this week and he needed to see what was wrong with her.

"Yeah, what it is?" Willow felt the urge to throw up again and held her mouth. "Wait hold on," He watched her leave the screen and sighed. She came back with tissue and to Odell it looked like she puked her soul out. Her eyes were bloodshot red with dark bags underneath. Those curls were all over the place and her skin looked a couple shades lighter.

"Willow, please tell me what's going on with you? You look sicker since you left from up here, and I know I'm not sick." He stressed. She sighed, closing her eyes.

"Honestly, I don't know what's wrong. I've thrown up like, 5 times today and I haven't ate a single thing. I'm gonna go to the doctor tomorrow to figure out what's going on," Odell kissed his teeth, knowing she already hated going to the doctor office.

"What? I'm gonna go, I pinky promise!" Willow puckered her bottom lip out, knowing that it gets him every time. He smirked and held up his pinky.

"You pinky promised so that means when I ask you tomorrow, you better have went. Ugh, my baby is sick Jesus!" Odell yelling towards the ceiling. She chuckled and smiled at him.

"Yerp, and that also means you gotta take care of me too."

"Oh wait, I dunno about allat now." Willow fake gasped and held a hand to her chest.

"Alright, I'll remember that when you some of my vagina." Smirking, she watched his face contort.

"Man, what?" Odell groaned loudly. "That's not even fair!"

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