End Of Part 2

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A month later.

Willow strolled into Mrs. Roark's office, chewing on a gummy worm. She put the pack back into her purse and sat down on the sofa. Mrs. Roark took notice of her peppiness and smiled.

"Well, someone's pumped today." She pointed out, causing Willow to blush.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Mrs. Roark also noticed that Willow couldn't stop smiling and she had to get to the bottom of it.

"So, you wanna tell me why you haven't stopped smiling since you've got in here?" She asked, crossing her leg over the other. Willow smiled even harder and chuckled.

"I'm uh, talking to someone." Mrs. Roark raised her eyebrows. "And I think we're somewhat dating." Willow admitted, dropping her head.

"Don't be shy about it Willow, tell me who he is." Mrs. Roark coaxed, wanting her to feel comfortable.

"Uh, I think you already know who it is." Willow hinted. She smirked, writing something down in her notebook.

"Let me guess, does his name start with an O?" Mrs. Roark guessed, already knowing who it was. She preferred for Willow to tell her personally, but she wouldn't mind playing a little game with her.

"Okay, it's Odell." Willow let out a breath of air and laid back onto the couch.

"Now, was that too hard to say?" Mrs. Roark joked. "First, I want you to tell me how you feel about everything." Willow nodded and cleared her throat.

"I feel," She took a moment to gather her words. "Happy I suppose? I mean, I'm a lot happier than the first time I met him." Willow couldn't lie, it was the happiest she's been in the last 5 years, but she didn't wanna base her happiness on a guy.

"What's different this time than the first time you met him?" Mrs. Roark was happy for Willow, but she could feel some type of nagging energy from her words.

"Well, he's a lot more affectionate this time around, and he's clingy, in a way." Willow knew she could become territorial, but Odell had been on something these past weeks.

"How so?" Mrs. Roark started writing again. Willow furrowed her brows, reminiscing some days back.

"For some reason, he only wants to be around me or up under me and ya know, I don't mind that but he's like a baby at times." Mrs. Roark chuckled.

"Could you give me an example or just a moment where it annoyed you?" She knew Odell was being clingy because he was afraid that Willow would leave him again.

"There was this one time where Shep, one of his teammates, had a little get together at his house and Odell and I went. But after like, 15 minutes, his 'social battery' died and he stayed up under me the rest of the night." Mrs. Roark nodded. "I usually don't get that annoyed at him because its cute to me but that night I wasn't having it." Willow chuckled remembering how irritated she was that night.

"Okay, is there anything else you feel about the whole thing with you and him before I start?" Willow bit her lit in anticipation. "Because I sense something deeper you're not telling me." She frowned, but remembered she was dealing with a professional therapist here.

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