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Odell awaited Willow outside in his car, listening to the sports radio talk about the previous football games. Willow insisted that she deal with the first day of trial just to see how it would go. He hoped everything went in their favor, but he could never be too sure with Azalea's dad being the head chief of a police station. The radio was paused and the ringing of his phone played into his speaker.

He sighed and took the call. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, what you doing?" Ms. Heather asked.

"I'm uh," Odell considered lying, but he didn't need her more angry at him. "At the courthouse waiting on Willow."

"I know she's not fucking suing you or anything for that sorry ass suicide attempt?!" She spat, catching him completely off guard.

"Mom, what did you just say?" Ms. Heather scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"You didn't think I knew huh?! Hiding shit from your mother Cornelius isn't the move and will never be. Now why the fuck are you at the courthouse?" He sat there in shock, not believing that was his own mother on the other line.

"Uh, hello?! Boy I know you hear me talking to you!" She yelled, getting impatient. Odell took the phone away from his ear when he felt it vibrating.

"Mom, the coach just sent me a text saying something was important and now he's calling me. I'll call you back in a sec," He immediately tapped the end button. At this point, he was fed up her possessive behavior and didn't want to deal with it anymore. His phone starting ringing again, and just to his luck it was Yasmin this time. She only texts him the crazy shit and settles on calling him for the important so, he answered it.


"Damn, what's with the attitude nigga?" Odell rolled eyes, pinching a blonde curl.

"Nothing. What is it that you want though?"

"I was just reminding yo ass about the appointment Monday," He frowned hard. "Can't let those deadbeat daddies symptoms get to ya." Yasmin mumbled, not realizing he could still hear her.

"I'll be there." And with that, Odell ended the call. It seemed like he couldn't catch a break lately with his mother and Yasmin both at his neck. Luckily this time, his ray of sunshine appeared walking towards the car. He smiled, biting down on his bottom lip. The fitted skirt she had on accentuated her curves, and made her ass bigger.

"Babe? Hello, are you in there?" Willow asked, waving a hand in Odell's face.

He snapped out of it and chuckled. "My bad, Will. Just had some stuff on my mind." She sensed something off about him and planned to talk to him about it later.

"Well, lemme drive today." Willow insisted, smirking at him.

"Now wait a minute, you don't ever wanna drive my other cars until I drive this one." Odell pointed out, squinting at her. She giggled and went over to the driver side.

"C'mon babe please? Pretty please?" Using those puppy dog eyes, it did the trick and he got out.

"You glad I like you lil ugly girl," Odell mumbled, getting into the passenger seat.

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